Caitlin Cleveland

Member Kam Lake

Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment
Minister of Education, Culture and Employment

The Honourable Caitlin Cleveland was first elected in the 19th Assembly as the MLA for Kam Lake in 2019, and has served as the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, and Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment since 2023 after being acclaimed to the 20th Assembly. 

In addition to owning and operating a northern business for over 20 years, Minister Cleveland worked in a variety of communications and policy roles in both the public and private sectors before entering politics. 

Between 2019 to 2023, she chaired the Standing Committee on Social Development, fulfilling a goal to be a part of the discussions and decisions affecting social programs in the Northwest Territories. Her noteworthy work on the Committee included guiding the considerable review and input into recommendations on housing in the NWT, suicide prevention, and improvements to caring for children in care and building supported families. 

Within the scope of her portfolios, Minister Cleveland is focused on helping children grow into successful NWT residents that recognize opportunities and develop successful careers that contribute to a growing economy. She advocates for new approaches to sector diversification and innovation, and ensures the North is welcoming both skilled foreign workers and investment in the critical mineral resources across the territory. She persistently explores solutions for efficient and equitable access to programs and services, upholding a shared vision of an NWT where people are supported in the ways they wish to live, work, and grow. 

Minister Cleveland is a lifelong resident of Yellowknife where she lives with her husband and their three children.

Kam Lake Electoral District


Kam Lake
Constituency Office
Minister's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box
Minister of Education, Culture and Employment Minister of Industry, Tourism, and Investment

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Another program that I am wondering about with my couple of minutes here is the men's A New Day program. The Minister and I recently had a conversation on the floor in regard to kind of the new look of the men's A New Day program. I am wondering if the men's A New Day program funding currently sits under community justice and, if possible, what the budget line item is for that program. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Is there intent then, if the plan does come back and the money is not within justice, that justice would put forward a supplementary appropriation? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

No. Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I appreciate that, and I'll stop there. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I promise not to discuss the RCMP. My first question is in regard to victim services, and I am just wondering: there was a report that was published in 2020, the victim services program evaluation, and as part of that there were recommendations to the GNWT, many of which requested items that would cost money, one of which was to allocate additional resources for travel to outreach for communities. I am noting that travel has gone down by about half, so is there a costed plan associated with the victim services program evaluation available from the Department...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I just have one more question. The Minister did just say that the RCMP and the GNWT work together to establish a business case. I am wondering if the Minister can briefly speak to, given that we contribute 70 percent, what are the boundaries within the RCMP and the GNWT that the GNWT is able to kind of reach into the operations of the RCMP? I am wondering if the Minister can speak to that a little bit. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 65)

Like I said, time is money. If somebody is trying to add something under either their Business Incentive Policy or trying to add something under the northern manufacturing policy, those timelines don't match up with a lot of our procurement timelines. If somebody is trying to do that, and it's taking two months, four to six weeks, potentially, for them to add that under, they are missing out on tenders. Every week, either I am notified about somebody missing out on a tender, or I am copied an issue to do with procurement policy, every week within my role representing the people of Kam Lake...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 64)

Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Earlier today, the Minister and her staff were talking about the money spent under the technology service centre since April 1st related to COVID. The total number was $1 million, and under that was an amount for software. I'm just wondering if they can repeat that because I didn't have time to write it down. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 64)

I understand that it's cold sometimes. We have, in the North, some pretty tough people, and I think they would love to start their staycation season a little bit early given that they have been in town for a long time and would love the opportunity to break out their campers. Some of them who are extreme die-hards would love to just camp in the snow. I am wondering if ITI would be willing to open the season a little bit early this year. Don't worry; I am not a snow camper. If they would be willing to open the parks a little bit earlier this year. I know Yukon just announced yesterday that they...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 64)

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. When the sun starts coming back, I get excited about summer, and the sun is coming back. I am wondering if the Minister of ITI will let us know when ITI plans to open campground bookings online this summer. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 64)

I appreciate that. I can confirm, though it's great news to hear that there is one complaint this year, I receive a complaint probably every week about procurement from Kam Lake businesses. Whether they are escalated or not is another story. Sometimes, it's great news that things can be sorted out between conversations with MLAs and Ministers, and sometimes, they require a little bit more digging. I am wondering if the Minister would be willing to make the annual reports that go to the Comptroller General public so that, potentially, people can find patterns within those, if there is more than...