Caroline Wawzonek

Member Yellowknife South

Deputy Premier
Minister of Finance
Minister of Infrastructure
Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Caroline Wawzonek was first elected to the 19th Legislative Assembly in 2019 as the Member for Yellowknife South. Ms. Wawzonek served as Minister of Justice,  Minster of Finance, Minister responsible for the Status of Women and the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. In 2023, Ms. Wawzonek was acclaimed to the 20th Legislative Assembly and returned to Executive Council as Deputy Premier, Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure and the Minister Responsible for the NWT Power Corporation.
Ms. Wawzonek holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Calgary (2000) and a law degree from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law (2005). Her academic journey included language studies in China and Taiwan, as well as legal internships in the Philippines and England. Born in Calgary, AB, she has called Yellowknife home since 2007.
After establishing her criminal law practice post-admission to the Law Society of the NWT, Ms. Wawzonek appeared in all levels of NWT courts and engaged in circuit court travel. She later joined Dragon Toner, expanding her practice to general litigation and administrative law until becoming a member of the 19th Assembly.
Since 2007, she has taken on leadership roles in the legal community, including the presidency of the Law Society of the Northwest Territories (LSNT), section chair for the Canadian Bar Association Northwest Territories Branch (CBA-NT), and committee membership in various working groups. Her community involvement extends to appointments in multiple Yellowknife organizations, and she received a national award in 2017 for her contributions to Canadian Women in Law.
Ms. Wawzonek, a mother of two, enjoys running, paddleboarding, and time outdoors.


Yellowknife South
Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box
Deputy Premier, Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure, and Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document: The Annual Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls June 2021. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Madam Chair, one further correction in the same vein, I move that Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 1, 20212022 be amended by changing under "Industry, Tourism and Investment, Minerals and Petroleum Resources Activity, not previously authorized", to negative $118,000. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I saw that story too. When I saw it, I think the headline actually was that the airlines got a bit of a tonguelashing from one of my federal colleagues if I might, so. And no, to be short, the contribution agreement that we have in place that is that has to be signed by the recipients who are the recipient airlines who are receiving this funding are not to be using that for the payment of any sort of bonuses or dividend payments. It is really meant to be provided solely to provide essential air services. There is a holdback provision in the contribution...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Madam Chair, I can give you an estimate. I think we're looking at somewhere between, you know, I think 60 to 80 households right now. So at least there's a sense of the scale of what we're dealing with. And Madam Chair, again, the commitment that I'm making, I realize that it is not as specific as people want but it's an understanding now that the disaster system's committee process, while it exists, while it's a policy and it's a process and it has a way of unfolding, is going to take some time. That is why I'm making the commitment that Finance and MACA are going to work together to make...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have only scanned notes in front of me, but I am confident that nothing that is confidential would have been shared. The meeting minutes simply are indicating that, in fact, although there were ongoing requests as to whether or not the mineral relief would be extended, this is of course just several months in, wondering what would be happening for the next year, the statement simply is that it has to go through Cabinet and FMB before such a decision is made. That is an appropriate response. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Yes, thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, that certainly was considered and it may well have been considered after the suggestion I think might have been made by some of the Members in the House. You know, I would point out a couple of things. One  and it was considered as  within the Department of Finance as well as the Department of ITI to really look at what kind of bang we can get for our buck. I certainly want to encourage staycations. I know that some of the chambers are undertaking initiatives to promote staycations and promote local spending. They did that last year, and I think quite...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Yes, Madam Chair. I would be happy to provide that, and see if I have it. Madam Chair, I'm happy to read it out here if the purpose is to have that put on the record. The listing is fairly lengthy. So just to confirm, I'm happy to provide it to the House, or to table it, perhaps that might be more efficient, or I can read it out. Just to confirm, please.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Madam Chair, I do have some numbers here in front of me. My concern, though, is that I've also heard, literally just this afternoon, that some of the numbers are still changing and some of the estimates are still changing, and I don't know that it does anyone any good for me to give numbers here if they are still changing and not accurate. So, yes, the assessors are in the communities, the navigators are in the communities and I think the situation, as I understand in the north  in the BeauDel is still unfolding. So, you know, I'll commit that we'll  it may not be tomorrow and I know session's...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, certainly there's some parameters around what the goals of the group would be, and I will make sure that we have something that I can bring forward to explain the goal and intent of the group. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 79)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, so  sorry, and I was actually  I apologize. I was actually looking for more detailed notes, really, from the ITI as the Member was raising the concern. And the reason I wanted to do that in hearing where the concern was going was to be able to provide the assurance around the structure of the program. You know, we had some helpful information back from the committee around how to ensure that this money is indeed circulating to the Northwest Territories, circulating to Northwest Territories residents and businesses and spending time here. The, you know...