Caroline Wawzonek

Member Yellowknife South

Deputy Premier
Minister of Finance
Minister of Infrastructure
Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Caroline Wawzonek was first elected to the 19th Legislative Assembly in 2019 as the Member for Yellowknife South. Ms. Wawzonek served as Minister of Justice,  Minster of Finance, Minister responsible for the Status of Women and the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment. In 2023, Ms. Wawzonek was acclaimed to the 20th Legislative Assembly and returned to Executive Council as Deputy Premier, Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure and the Minister Responsible for the NWT Power Corporation.
Ms. Wawzonek holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Calgary (2000) and a law degree from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law (2005). Her academic journey included language studies in China and Taiwan, as well as legal internships in the Philippines and England. Born in Calgary, AB, she has called Yellowknife home since 2007.
After establishing her criminal law practice post-admission to the Law Society of the NWT, Ms. Wawzonek appeared in all levels of NWT courts and engaged in circuit court travel. She later joined Dragon Toner, expanding her practice to general litigation and administrative law until becoming a member of the 19th Assembly.
Since 2007, she has taken on leadership roles in the legal community, including the presidency of the Law Society of the Northwest Territories (LSNT), section chair for the Canadian Bar Association Northwest Territories Branch (CBA-NT), and committee membership in various working groups. Her community involvement extends to appointments in multiple Yellowknife organizations, and she received a national award in 2017 for her contributions to Canadian Women in Law.
Ms. Wawzonek, a mother of two, enjoys running, paddleboarding, and time outdoors.


Yellowknife South
Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box
Deputy Premier, Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure, and Minister Responsible for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Certainly, I don't know that the federal government generally funds any sorts of school projects for us, which doesn't necessarily mean that the other comments are any less important or prescient regarding the needs of this school or the fact that it's been around and on the project plans for quite a long time. Certainly, at the very least, Madam Chair, before we're back in session, we will have a better plan. I don't know where we'll be at in terms of the project, but I can at least, at that point, report back, or the Minister of ECE will be able to report back and...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I am happy to make sure that we give those commitments and provide that information, but I don't have that information on the infrastructure supp. I only have information regarding how much is being carried over from last year to either continue the work that is under way or to follow through on contracts that were previously signed. I am quite confident that the Minister of ITI is going to have to give a fairly detailed briefing about the stage of the fishing projects and these particular projects, likely in advance of the capital plans that are coming forward in July...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Certainly, the 42.5 is a much higher number than what I would like to see, as well. I'm cognizant of that. I don't disagree with the Member in that regard. As far as this particular year, quite a number, as I'd mentioned at the outset, of this is relating to the Invest in Canada infrastructure plan, which was a significant project funding program put forward by the federal government, of which we were able to benefit quite a bit from, but it meant that we simply weren't able to carry through and will complete all of those projects. Some of the individual projects have...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. It's too early to say necessarily. As far as design changes, there is no information here that suggests that is inevitable or imminent. I suppose the short answer is: not anticipated, Madam Chair. Again, the capital plan for 2021-2022 is underway, so if there do need to be significant changes, there would be an opportunity to see those at that time. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

I don't get to unilaterally increase the funding to the community justice committees as much as I might perhaps like to. I go through the same budgetary processes that everybody else does and notwithstanding my other role. However, Mr. Speaker, there is the business planning process coming up. While that doesn't necessarily mean that we all get to put in any and all new initiatives, it certainly is an opportunity to look at where we can, where we need to change the way we are structured, and how we can maybe seek to see some improvements. There are also some opportunities, I hope, for federal...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. This is another one where, as I understand it, there is some early-stage work that still has yet to be completed and, although the project is proceeding, again, I don't have a target date in front of me. I'll turn it to the Minister of ECE, if he has one available to him at this stage. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I think we can certainly commit to getting that information back to the Member. There's an obvious interest in it, but that does deviate a bit from the infrastructure carry-overs that we are looking at, Madam Chair, but we can certainly get the information, nonetheless.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I don't have a percentage here. Sorry, Madam Chair, I don't have the math right in front of me. I have two different numbers. Perhaps I'll ask if one of the two witnesses has the total number so that I'm not sitting and doing the math while the Member is waiting.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I think the Minister of Health and Social Services might have some more breakdown in terms of timing. Perhaps I will ask her, Madam Chair, please.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 29)

I believe our Premier's already spoken quite forcefully about the importance of this initiative and about the importance of looking for options to increase trust between law enforcement and citizenry. Mr. Speaker, there are a number of programs already underway and initiatives underway, not the least of which is the First Nations' Policing Program, which, through a lot of advocacy through the Department of Justice, they have been able to add five positions to a regional cohort here in the Northwest Territories with the hope that, with more people on the ground, more officers on the ground, it...