Daniel McNeely

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 27)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Mackenzie Valley Highway has been in the plans for decades. With today's low water levels and the inability to transport goods using the barge services into the Sahtu, the highway is the only climate change adaptation solution.

Mr. Speaker, October 2023, the Government of the Northwest Territories released the developer's assessment report for the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway. This comprehensive report assesses the potential environmental, socio-economic impacts of constructing an all-season highway. Mr. Speaker, this report triggers the...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thanks to the Minister. Just to kind of share the moving forward, we can take the fiveyear 2019 strategy plan, update that to a 2024 package and see how we can extend and improve that. Since then, there was a lot of challenges, so that'll be a good starting point to upgrade the fiveyear Sahtu education plan here, call it the 2019 fiveyear plan. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Further to my statement on education and the graduation season, my question is to the Minister of education on sponsoring and supporting the spirits of reconciliation and the improvements to the Education Act. Will the Minister assist my office in organizing a strategic planning session with Sahtu Divisional Board of Education? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 2024 graduation. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of the Sahtu region's high school graduates. These young adults have reached an important milestone in their lives, completing their secondary education and preparing to embark on their further new education journeys.

Mr. Speaker, education is the key to unlocking a brighter future, and these graduates have certainly demonstrated their commitment to personal growth and development. They have acquired valuable knowledge and skills that will serve them well into the future...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Okay. No, thank you, and thanks to the Minister for that response. I think quality control is very critical to the completion of these schedules, and it may minimize the carryovers and the delays. I know this is a department that's facing a lot of challenges, like many other employers out in the communities, with the workforce difficulties. But there's always room for improvements, and I see this as one. And if the department's doing that, that's good. It shows that you're looking at the construction costs per square foot. That's good. And if it went on time and in different areas you're...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Thursday, June 13th, I will move the following motion:

Now therefore I move, seconded by the Member of the Mackenzie Delta, that the Government of the Northwest Territories update the business case to complete the Mackenzie Valley Highway immediately;

And further, that the Government of the Northwest Territories use the updated business case to formalize Indigenous partners in the project and to lobby the federal government in partnership to secure the funding requirement in the upcoming federal budget to develop this critical...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thanks to the Minister for recapping the efforts that we had accomplished in July of 2019. It was a very well attended strategy session on how to upgrade and develop a plan moving forward to support education, and I'm glad to hear that the Minister supports that as a starting point to update our education journey for the young folks of the Sahtu.

And will the Minister provide staff supports there to help organize and put together the appropriate meeting packages in preparation for that session? Thank you.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the community of Tulita is proud to celebrate seven graduates from the Chief Albert Wright School for 2024. They are:

Damian McPherson,

Gosahte Bird,

Jaiden Wrigley,

Tristan MacCauleyAyah

Jaden Lennie,

Lacey Wrigley, and

Rachel Horassi on their achievement.

Tulita celebrates their success, and we wish them very well in the coming years and their next steps on their education and career journey. Mahsi.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 25)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. My statement is more of a comment here. Having seen a number of projects here out in the communities under construction, during construction, after construction, is it part of the housing department to have a followup review, a completion review after the project is done to see how it went, was it on schedule, was it done safely, was it done within the budget? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 24)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thanks for the response to that there, deputy minister. And my other question is that I participated in a virtual led by the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board on the many sumps that -- waste sumps that are out there on the land in the Sahtu. So they're doing an inventory similar to what they did in the Beaufort Delta, and it'll help diversify our economy by creating this clean-up. So I would suggest the department, if they want to reach out to the Sahtu Renewable Resource Board in Tulita, to see how they can help. If you got a big sump that's out there that's left prior...