Daniel McNeely

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 87)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I, too, am glad to hear the Minister's address and feel in support of those comments and add mine. Mr. Chair, I comment on today's largest piece of legislation faced by this Assembly on post-devolution. As we modernize history in the spirit of balancing Indigenous engagement, stakeholder confidence, environmental concessions and protection, and the remedial process, it comes to the point in telling ourselves: do we society all stakeholders and produce valued legislation? Looking at the legislation that is going to govern the industry and looking at the industry itself and...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 87)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. As I mentioned earlier, balancing transparency and confidence and certainty are all words of the intent that we're trying to achieve in the bill here. The NWT is a very diverse region, with many cultures, land titleship, therefore there must be a designed legislation and regulation to allow flexibility for those accommodations for those diverse areas. We have a land claim which spells out an enormous amount of comfort to the words "access" and "benefits." Other areas don't, so there has to be some flexibility for this institution to lead toward creating those benefits...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 87)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Resource development in the Northwest Territories dates back to original mineral exploration in the 1930s in the Sahtu region. The mining industry is the main economic driver of the Northwest Territories economy, an industry that sustains government, direct benefits, and contributes to a supply chain that includes a vast amount of Northerners and businesses.

Mr. Speaker, a new era has shown new potentials in the region's abandoned sector and great wealth for economic opportunities from yesterday's federal announcement on the Government of Canada's new Northern Abandoned...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 86)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I am satisfied with that comment. I was just curious about getting the message out there that these two acts are now one, and what better way to do it than have community engagements with local and regional governments. Thank you, Mr. Chair.