Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Member Monfwi

Jane Weyallon Armstrong was elected to the 20th Assembly to represent the constituency of Monfwi. Ms. Armstrong was elected to the 19th Assembly during a by-election to represent the constituency of Monfwi.

Ms. Weyallon Armstrong was born in Fort Rae, Northwest Territories. Currently residing in Behchoko, Northwest Territories, her impactful journey has left a lasting mark on her community.

Having served as President of the Native Women’s Association from 2019 to 2021, Ms. Weyallon Armstrong collaborated with board members on the National Inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls final report. Her commitment to the cause has been a driving force in addressing crucial issues.

Ms. Weyallon Armstrong’s extensive involvement in community governance includes roles such as a Community Government of Behchoko Councillor (2009–2013, 2017–2021, June 2021 to July 2021) and Tlicho Government Assembly Member (Consensus Government) from 2009 to 2013. Additionally, she contributed by being on the Mackenzie Valley Impact Review Board from 2020 to 2021.

With a career spanning over 25 years at the Dogrib Divisional Board of Education (now Tlicho Community Services Agency), Ms. Weyallon Armstrong’s impact reached the lives of high school students from various communities. Her roles as Residence Manager and later as Coordinator, Community Liaison, and Student Transition Support Services showcased her dedication to education and community development.

Ms. Weyallon Armstrong’s educational journey includes graduating from Sir John Franklin Territorial High School in Yellowknife, where she resided at Akaitcho Hall. She earned a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Politics and a Minor in Native Studies from the University of Saskatchewan. In 1994, she obtained her Social Work Diploma from Aurora College, Thebacha Campus, and in 1992, she earned her Child and Youth Care Worker Diploma from Mount Royal College.

Ms. Weyallon Armstrong, in partnership with her spouse, have raised their daughter, and now revel in the role of proud grandparents to a grandson. Ms. Weyallon Armstrong possesses a range of interests that extend to sewing, reading, and engaging in various cultural activities. Her longstanding commitment to volunteering for fundraising events and field trips underscores her dedication to community well-being.

Monfwi Electoral District


Member Jane Weyallon Armstrong
Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 113)

Thank you. And I know there are a lot of people that want to know about this, too, as well so can the Minister explain to us what kind of deescalation training do RCMP officers receive? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 113)

Has the Department of Justice started working on the plan similar to that I meant to say a pronunciation, not spelling, so I will do it again Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami to improve relationship between Indigenous people and that with the RCMP? And as part of this work, will the Department of Justice be implementing the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls final report Calls to Justice? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 113)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am concerned about overpolicing and police brutally happening in the Tlicho communities.

I have had many of my constituents step forward to share their negative experiences with the RCMP and the fear they have about their safety with the RCMP.

Mr. Speaker, in the last year, some of these have been publicized by the media. However, these are just a few of those incidents that have been made public. Many are never made public or formal complaints have not been made.

The current complaint process is burdensome, and for many Indigenous people the complaint...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 113)

This is for Minister of Housing.

Can the Minister of Housing provide an update on how many units, public units, are renovated? Because I know in Behchoko alone in Tlicho region, I'm talking about Tlicho region, but in Behchoko, we have for this past fiscal year, 22 units were supposed to be renovated. They are in great need of renovations. And I do not see any contractors in those units. And unemployment is high in Tlicho region. And I do support the local contractors, just like my colleague from Inuvik Twin Lakes had mentioned. So I just wanted to know if the Minister of Housing can provide...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 112)

Well, if the Minister wants to do something about it, they can transfer the unit about the if they want if she wants to do something about the arrears, they can transfer the unit to to the tenants living in there, give the homeowner, and bring other programs, like home assistance program back.

But anyways, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister responsible can the Minister responsible for Housing NWT provide information from the framework on the transfer of housing unit ownership from Housing NWT to longterm tenants. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 112)

Can the Minister for Housing NWT share the vision and goals of the framework, how this MOU will change their current housing situation faced by the people in Tlicho region. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 112)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I'm going to do with permission, I am going to do eulogy for Dan Marion. Mr. Daniel Marion of Behchoko.

Mr. Speaker, Tlicho people have known Dan for many, many, many years. Dan was always there to give advice on any topic, such as business issues, employment issues, social, technical truck problems, and many more. Dan always had time for you and showed that he really cared about your welfare. When you shared a problem with Dan, his reply always pointed to a solution that was beneficial to all.

Dan was a great advocate for the aspirations of youth. He admired...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 112)

Can the Minister responsible for NWT Housing provide information from the framework on the sale of Housing NWT assets, like houses and units. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 112)

Thank you. On May 18th, 2022, Government of the Northwest Territories and Tlicho government signed a memorandum of understanding on housing that commits both government to a formal framework for intergovernmental cooperation of housing. Can the Minister responsible for housing Northwest Territories share the key elements of the framework. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 111)

In favour.