Kieron Testart

Member Range Lake

Kieron Testart was elected to the 20th Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly to represent the constituency of Range Lake.

Mr. Testart was born on March 22, 1985, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He was raised in the Northwest Territories, first residing in Tuktoyaktuk and later in Yellowknife, where Mr. Testart now lives with his family, his diverse background and wealth of experiences have shaped his commitment to community development and effective governance.

Mr. Testart was elected as Member of the Legislative Assembly for Kam Lake in the 18th Legislative Assembly, where he demonstrated a keen understanding of the issues facing his constituents. Beyond his legislative roles, Kieron has contributed significantly to the economic development of the region. Serving as the Director of Economic Development for the Yellowknives Dene First Nation from 2021 to 2023. Mr. Testart’s commitment to education and language advocacy is evident in his role as Program Coordinator for Canadian Parents for French from 2020 to 2021. His efforts have extended to policy analysis within the Government of the Northwest Territories and serving as Deputy Sheriff from 2009 to 2014.

Academically, Kieron holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Lethbridge (2004-2009) and a Certificate in Parliamentary Governance from McGill University (2017).

Married to Colleen, he is the proud father of Corbin, Eve, and Leander. In addition to his professional pursuits, Kieron finds joy in various hobbies and interests, including a deep passion for Formula 1 and motorsport, a love for film and theatre, grassroots activism, and an avid curiosity about international affairs.

Kieron's commitment to community extends beyond the political realm. As a dedicated volunteer, he has been actively involved in various capacities, including serving on the NWT Federal Liberal Association Board of Directors since 2011, contributing to the Liberal Party of Canada. His volunteer experience also includes a position on the NWT Branch Board of Directors for Canadian Parents for French from 2014 to 2020 and mentoring youth with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada in 2014-2015.

Range Lake Electoral District


Member Kieron Testart
Range Lake
Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to request a recorded vote. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Auditor General's audit of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs found that the department failed to adequately support community governments in their delivery of essential services, and, although the department monitored community governments' provision of some of these services, it failed to ensure that these met their basic requirements, namely the health and safety of Northerners. To put it simply Mr. Speaker, the department did not do their job.

MACA has accepted all of the recommendations and committed to updating their policies and accommodate the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Nothing further.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I do recall during the election there was lot of discussion about what to do with that facility and whether it would be extended care, whether it would be a treatment centre, those kind of options. So can we expect any further expenditure on the old facility or will that now rest with the P3 partners? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you to the Minister for being sensitive to that concern. I look forward to these documents, when they are voted on, containing the correct terminology. I appreciate that the four-plex projects are now considered Housing First. I will look forward to reviewing that as well. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Are these units being constructed for the purposes of accommodating the RCMP? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. A number of these projects are classified as affordable housing: seven units in Fort Simpson, six units in Hay River, three units in Norman Wells. Can the Minister provide a definition of affordable housing as understood by the Housing Corporation? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In that case, Mr. Speaker, does the Minister then, as she does not put pen to these recommendations, does she in fact support everything that her management team has put forward, and will she find the means to pay for it? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Mr. Speaker, the Minister provided a similar response yesterday, that this is the first opportunity the Minister has been able to see the report. However, on September 7th, the media report reported the deputy minister at the time reporting to have seen a preliminary version of this report and to have made recommendations. In the final report from the Auditor General's office, the department agrees with all recommendations. Although I know the Minister is new in this role, the department has been working on this for at least a year, and that's from the Auditor General's office. If the Minister...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 37)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I too would like to recognize Lorraine Phaneuf, Samantha Doucet and Annemieke Mulders who have done so much great work promoting women's equity in the Northwest Territories and good friends of mine. So thanks for being here today.