R.J. Simpson

Member Hay River North

Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs
Minister of Justice
Government House Leader

R.J. Simpson was elected to the 20th Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly, representing the constituency of Hay River North. On December 7th, 2023, Mr. Simpson was elected Premier of the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Simpson was formerly acclaimed to the 19th Legislative Assembly and first elected into the 18th Assembly in 2015.

Mr. Simpson was Deputy Speaker of the 18th Assembly, Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Government Operations, and the Chair of the Special Committee on Transition Matters. Mr. Simpson was also a member of the Standing Committee on Priorities and Planning and the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment.

Mr. Simpson is a lifelong resident of Hay River After graduating from Diamond Jenness Secondary School in 1998 Mr. Simpson went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts from MacEwan University and a law degree from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Law.

Mr. Simpson has previously worked with the Government of Canada, Northern Transportation Company Ltd, Métis Nation Local 51, and Maskwa Engineering.

While at law school, Mr. Simpson was the President of the Aboriginal Law Students’ Association. He has also served on the board of the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre in Hay River and volunteered with the Canada-Ghana Education Project.

Hay River North Electoral District


Hay River North
Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box
Constituency Office

62, promenade Woodland, bureau 104
Hay River Nord NT X0E 1G1

Premier of the Northwest Territories, Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs, Minister of Justice, Government House Leader

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 111)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think if any one of us designed this budget, it would not look the way it looks. I have things that I would like to see in here that aren't in here, and the same goes for every single Member. None of us gets everything we want. And that is consensus government. We hope we end up with something that is suited for all of us to the best to the best of our abilities. And this is a budget that we put together to the best of our abilities given our our priorities and our limitations.

To the Members who are, you know, wishing to see this budget fail, who are voting against...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 111)

In favour.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 111)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Let's open up another round of oral questions; so much fun. Mr. Speaker

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

Thank you. With us, we once again have Mr. Ian Rennie, legislative counsel with the Department of Justice; and Mr. Brad Patzer, assistant deputy minister, Attorney General of the Department of Justice. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So I don't have much more to add than what I've just said in that we are going to sit down with providers who are saying that they need to increase their rates and have those discussions. So I guess if that's what commitment that the Member wants, but to say that I'm going to commit to doing these things that are very specific to each individual provider is just something I I can't make a commitment to something when I don't know what I'm committing to. But those conversations are happening, and we realize that we want everyone on board.

This is a major shift in how...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I am here today to present Bill 41: The Justice Administration Statutes Amendment Act.

Bill 41 is an omnibus bill and yes, we do have omnibus bills in this Assembly that advances amendments to three pieces of legislation:

The Jury Act;

The Summary Conviction Procedures Act; and

The Partnership and Business Names Act.

This approach was taken to streamline the process for advancing these three relatively minor amendments in a more efficient manner.

The changes being proposed for the Jury Act will ensure that territorial legislation regarding jury qualification standards...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

I'd like to recognize my mother Betty Lyons and my sister, and middle child Chelsea Simpson.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

Yes, I would.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

In favour.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 110)

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document: Plain Language Summary for Bill 48: Arbitration Act. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.