Robert Hawkins
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Maybe the Minister can speak to what the timelines actually mean when they refer to transformation. Because when I tell the public they're transforming, nobody really knows what that means. And definitions and wording mean everything hence can the Minister explain what transforming from the intent of an Aurora College into a polytech means in a manner that the public can appreciate, because a lot of people are really confused by that definition. Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, what can the Minister commit to doing in this upcoming summer season? Now, we're months away but now is the time to contemplate any adjustments and changes, Mr. Speaker. And may I remind the Minister I'm saying treat it as, not defined as, in the sense of I'm not redefining the definition of what an e-scooter is. I'm saying treat it in the same manner based on the principles of safety and concerns. There are no lights on these things, speed regulations, no helmets, etcetera, etcetera, Mr. Speaker. What can the Minister commit that we will have ready so we can implement in the...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to return to -- I wouldn't want to say my favorite subject, but it's certainly a subject that's important to me -- e-scooters and the regulations thereof. Mr. Speaker, I e-mailed the Minister a couple months ago about an opportunity. It appeared it wasn't the right opportunity to slide it in some miscellaneous changes and as such, my worry is -- I thought we could do a quick fix by saying e-scooters or e-bikes are similar and will be treated similar as bicycles or motorcycles. There was an opportunity there.
Mr. Speaker, Quebec looks like they're banning them...
Mr. Speaker, I think it's fair to say -- at least I know I've been briefed to death on this particular initiative, I'm not speaking for the social development committee, I'll let them make their own decisions -- but that said, Mr. Speaker, would the Minister show some leadership by either, A, eliminating the hours required on qualified nurses, obviously, because they've gone to school, or immediately issue a directive to the nursing -- in writing, in other words, direction that they co-partner with either BC -- sorry, Alberta or Ontario that if nurses qualify there, by defacto they qualify...
All right, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the opportunity for a second round. Mr. Speaker, my questions will be directed to the Minister of health for clarify and surety that the House knows where the questions are going.
In previous sessions, I've raised the issue of licensing requirements of nurses who have received training outside of the country. The hours weren't the issue. The gatekeeper of the nursing association is controlling who can be qualified under their rules to practice here. Mr. Speaker, I referred a specific case to a situation where Ontario has approved a license, Alberta's...
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm not going to go through everything I said under general comments, and my suggestion for consideration is I'd like to amend the motion by adding -- and I'll read out what I'm going to say is, we add Indigenous governments as well to determine; so in other words, after Northwest Territories Association of Communities, and Indigenous governments to determine blah, blah, blah. So I'm moving that amendment. Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, Ekati's been in business approximately 25 years. They're proposing they could be here another 25 to 2040. They hire at least 350 Northerners, according to their letter, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it's not attracting them. It's trying to find ways to keep them here in the North working and employing as well as the endless contributions to communities and community governments or organizations.
Mr. Speaker, does the Premier see the significance of this partner in their economic future? And if he doesn't, does he have another alternative? Because mining cannot easily be replaced...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my oral questions, I pointed out my view of what a dashboard should look like. The Minister's correct in the context that she said there was a dashboard on the ECC website. I'm tabling an example of what I would like to see as -- for consideration for her and the Aurora College board so everyone knows exactly where I was coming from. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in my Member's statement today, I talked about the Burgundy letter, and if I remember correctly, I think I even read somewhere that the Premier had reached out or had some conversation with them. And if I'm incorrect on that understanding, I would hope that the Premier would clarify. But that said, what has the Premier done in response to the open letter Burgundy has written, I guess the Government of the Northwest Territories, about trying to be a partner in the longer-term solution of our economic viability as a territory? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of privilege under section 1.7(1)(e) of our rules.
Mr. Speaker, the specific privilege is, for the benefit of the Members is, it says privilege of a Member includes, section (c), freedom of obstruction and intimidation in relation to their duties as an elected representative.
Mr. Speaker, while during the break I was walking to my office, I was confronted by the Member for Yellowknife North. She said, I know you're mad at me. I interjected and I said, I'm not mad. She continued to say, I would never be that petty to nay your consent.