Robert Hawkins
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to recognize a constituent. She's well known to all of us. It's Ms. Sarah Cleary. She's not only one of our wonderful and dependable translators who's served the House for so many years, she's also known as the sewer extraordinaire. So anyway, thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the opportunity to wish her well. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I want to take a different approach with this. And so if I remember correctly, there was a correction facility built in Inuvik even when -- and it was targeted for youth, in other words. And it might have been a good project from its inception, so the genesis of the project is, hey, let's provide some stuff in Inuvik. And that's okay, and that's good. But then if I remember correctly -- again, I'm stressing if I remember it -- the Youth Justice Act changed and the facility at the time was called Arctic Tern. So they marched ahead even though they knew...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To kick off debate, I'll keep my comments short. Everything I said in the motion was a collaborative approach from my colleagues. We are united in the context of understanding that we know our communities need more help. Some have not got the funding they've been struggling with despite the challenges they must step up and deal with. At this point, I'll close my comments early, and I'll use my chance at the end of the motion to be much further detailed. But that said, I want to thank my colleagues to date for their insight in getting behind the motion, recognizing how...
Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, I will move the following motion:
Now therefore I move, seconded by the Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh, that the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs direct the emergency management organization to draft all emergency plans for every Northwest Territories community over the next two years, to ensure all plans are reasonably and consistently done;
And furthermore, that the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs provide financial support to all applicable governments, to allow them to fine-tune and complete their specific...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I give notice that on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, I will move the following motion:
Now therefore I move, seconded by the Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh, that the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs direct the emergency management organization to review, analyze, and comment on every emergency plan for every Northwest Territories community;
And furthermore, that the Minister of -- is this the right motion? I think this is the wrong motion, Mr. Speaker. I believe it's the wrong notice of motion. Maybe I'll seek unanimous consent later to return to this item. Thank...
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think the Member for Boot Lake asked me to ask this next question. For sake and respect of the House, I won't ask it. But I'll let him explain what unicorns mean, I guess. Okay.
Well I'll leave it at that. I mean, the point of the little exercise here for the last eight minutes was really trying to get at the fact that we could do work there. It's symbolic there. The work is there. The oil and gas is there. I think the Minister understands the issue. And I would support us finding ways to put people in those types of regions, including assistant deputy ministers...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table a petition from concerned citizens to the proposed government wellness and recovery centre building at 5019 - 51st Street in Yellowknife. That's in downtown Yellowknife Centre. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you. Taking off on one of the questions my good colleague from Boot Lake had said, maybe I could clarify, how much oil and gas is being developed in the North Slave region at this particular time?
Mr. Speaker, again, speaking on the theme of being not confident to do change, Mr. Speaker, I believe in the department, Mr. Speaker. I know they have the skills, Mr. Speaker. And I hope the Minister wasn't suggesting she's going to hire more ADMs, DMs, and who knows what else.
Mr. Speaker, would the Minister have the confidence that I'm giving her -- would she take the leadership I'm encouraging her to take to hire someone from an auditor general point of view to do value for money audit on the work we do there in the department because of the inefficiencies of how the programs are currently...
Not intending to hold you to the exact number unless of course you have it, so how many people would that represent? Thank you.