Robert Hawkins
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to use this occasion today to recognize Sandra Taylor, who is the president of the Yellowknife Seniors’ Society and she is a constituent of Yellowknife Centre. I’d like to thank her for coming today. I’d also like to recognize all the seniors in the gallery, although there are too many to name, but I would like to make special mention of Barb Hood. She does a fantastic job with the NWT seniors. It’s a yeoman’s job and she needs a special pat on the back for the hard work she does. Finally, of course, I would like to recognize two good and long-time friends: Jim...
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Under this particular section under strategic and business services division we have the section noted for Aurora College. I’m wondering if the Minister can talk to this particular issue. I’d like to find out what planning and development, in the context of capital planning, is being looked at for Aurora College. I’d like to hear some specifics.
Thank you. Can I also get the estimate – and I’m saying estimate, not exact, you don’t have to hire 25, 30 people to do this – of storage capacity as to what do we have, what are we using and where it’s located? I think I heard someone from the Minister’s side say that some of it’s stored at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, some of it’s stored at the government warehouse, which is just a heated warehouse, so can I get that as well?
Has there ever been a discussion to have Nunavut find their own storage facility here in Yellowknife or elsewhere in the Northwest Territories? Wherever would seem feasible, that is.
Where are all this valuable archival products? Where are they stored and what does it cost us? Thank you.
Why is the GNWT being contracted to do this? Maybe the Minister can provide some information. Why isn’t Nunavut hiring their own staff members – I’m not sure exactly how many – and renting their own appropriate storage mechanisms on their own and taking care of this? Why does the stewardship, in some manner, have anything to do with the Northwest Territories? Thank you.
Okay. Now we’re getting to it. So what has been developed thus far? I heard him say it can’t be released to the public, so maybe if you could speak in broader brush strokes where it is, how long it has been worked on, and when that package is going to be ready for MLA consumption.
On the record here, can the Minister clarify, does this come at a cost of NWT products that are being saved or archived or protected for future usage? My understanding is that the Nunavut archives or historical items – I’m not sure what the best phrase here is to describe it – but the archival collection is larger than the Northwest Territories. What is permitted Nunavut for actually repatriating their artifacts? Because, if I understand it correctly, it’s actually squeezing and putting pressure onto our small amount in comparison to theirs.
No, what I mean more so is when you do capital planning you do almost like a business case, business plan, strategy, you sort of look at… You guys know what that is. Where is the development of the college into actually… Where is the business case model and who is developing the business case model that moves the planning for a new Aurora College independent campus into the capital plan? Because you need a business plan of sorts before this, and that falls under the operations.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I seek unanimous consent to return to 10-9. I didn’t hear you call it out. That was my error.
---Unanimous consent granted