Robert Hawkins
Statements in Debates
Thank you and I happily take that. Under real estate agents and sales persons, we have anticipated of $3,000, $5,000 last cycle, $2,000 the year before. Can I get an understanding exactly how this fee cycle works and why it’s gone up from $2,000 to $5,000 and then down to $3,000? Thank you.
What does that actually mean? Do they have to file a report, do they have to do a presentation? I’m trying to understand that. We’ve heard these stories before about annual reporting and we found that several places had been late in their annual reporting. So I’m trying to understand what are they required to report back with and in what form. Thank you.
[Microphone turned off] …last year that dredging was actually paid for by the federal government and to what extent?
Under legislative initiatives, what is MACA presently working on?
How do we deal with site inspections on these particular initiatives? When the plans are submitted, sometimes site inspections are required.
Mr. Speaker, when it goes $299 million and you say it’s close to $300 million, that is pretty well $300 million, so we can’t undersell this. I do not have the authority to release the risk matrix, but the problem is that the public is being denied the facts of how risky this project is and how scary it looks from this side of the House. Only the Minister has that authority.
Will the Minister release a plain language document, the details, the risks that have been identified and what potential burdens that Northerners may be taking on similar to what just happened to the Deh Cho Bridge? They...
So, other than the anomaly of the downturn in the market, is there a fee structure that’s changed that’s coming into the GNWT as far as lottery licence concern is? So would the downturn alone explain the drop from $75,000 in the last business cycle to an anticipated $50,000 in this one?
Thank you. I look forward to that commitment and update.
Under contribution funding, we have contributions to the NWT Association of Communities and Local Government Administrators, as well as the Arctic Energy Alliance. Now is a good time to sort of ask what does our contribution work towards. Is it base funding or what type of accountability does our funding provide and what type of relationship have we struck with this, other than being a funding source? In some cases I know we sit on the board and I want to know what relationship. Thank you.
What’s the enabling document that defines who’s responsible for dredging?
What are the main objectives of this strategic plan, the 2010-2015 plan?