Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I talked about the issue of process and the whole underlying theme here is it’s not about the Betty House in particular, which if money made itself available I would certainly support transition shelter for women and children in every regional centre of the Northwest Territories, but as we all know that’s certainly not possible. But it’s sad because it comes under the halo of a great launch and a significant achievement under a contribution from this government towards this project. But yet at the end of the day Members are left wondering...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 5)

Where did you get the money, as well? While this is happening, Members are becoming concerned that this is becoming an Epimetheus when it comes to work in this particular Assembly. In short, are we simply an afterthought of this particular government?

Our Premier preaches continually about building good relationships and working relationships; however, it’s starting to look like he’s inviting everyone but this side of the House. While he’s busy out there courting new relationships…


Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members are noting that with this development, are the Regular MLAs considered an afterthought. I want to hear clearly in the House today that with any future announcements, MLAs will be invited to a process at least being aware of the particular project. In fact, when we saw people gathering in the gallery on Friday, they knew this particular project was being launched and I’ll tell you when the good news announcement seems to get trumped by process, it seems to affect all of us. So that’s the type of commitment I’m looking for from the Premier. Will he make sure that...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 5)

You can tell from the Premier’s response there about how did I know, clearly I must have hit a vein of reality here. The fact is this side of the House is not fully kept apprised as to what actions were happening. This particular project did not get the vetting of the standing committee in advance of this particular situation, and as I said in my Member’s statement, clearly whenever a significant contribution happens for any particular region, the MLA is informed. Certainly not only myself, as the Premier has readily informed of being the local MLA, there are seven MLAs in Yellowknife and...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to return to item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery.

---Unanimous consent granted

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

In my statement earlier today I referred to the fact of many of the problems that have been happening over there. Will the Minister of Finance, through his channels, through the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority, work to ensure and certainly enshrine the issues that I’ve highlighted, that we want a system that is safe, respectful, positive and definitely commits to doing referrals? Because right now the John Howard sees they’re meeting their objectives by just having the door open. Unfortunately, I think that there are a lot more steps required: safety, staff free of abuse, and...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I reminded the House, and I will continue to remind the House, that I am a very strong supporter of the downtown day shelter. I can tell you many businesses as well as downtown residents support the principles of why the downtown day shelter exists. This is why I continue this issue with the Minister of Health and Social Services, to raise the awareness, but also ensure that it’s a safe, respectful and positive environment.

The lofty goals set out by the department, of course, were very simple. As I read earlier today: a warm, safe place...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to continue a discussion today on the downtown day shelter. Back in my December 13th Member’s statement and questions, I asked the government about its intention to extend the much needed services that are provided by the downtown day shelter to people who are homeless. In the Minister’s reply he talked about the department’s intention to continue that partnership with the City of Yellowknife, but he also continues to go on in the context of once the review is done, they will continue that funding.

It’s no surprise to anyone in this House, and certainly the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to recognize a couple of visitors here in the gallery today. Mr. Sean Ivens and his wife Rhonda Ivens are visiting us in the gallery. Mr. Ivens, as many of you know, is the president of Advanced Medical Solutions. That is a northern company here. It provides medical and certainly medevac services for people in the NWT and, as well, in the Kitikmeot region. Finally, I have known Sean for 35 years and because of the miracles and wonders of science, we are still both 25 years old. Hello, Mr. Ivens.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would be remiss to not point this out, but it’s my understanding the contract has not been drawn up yet. It’s my understanding the contract has not been fully developed yet, because, of course, the three-year ongoing initial pilot project has not expired yet. I just want to make sure it’s on the record here one way or the other. Has the contract been fully renewed at this particular time? My understanding is that it has not, but let’s get that clarity for the House. Thank you.