Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, if the Minister would like, I could provide him, too, as soon as we go upstairs, my couple of constituents. But the fact is, it isn’t so much that as we should be making sure we’re protecting our constituents. If this isn’t a priority, I don’t know what one is, Mr. Speaker, especially when he knows how difficult it can be. So the fact is, can the Minister bring back, before February, some kind of discussion paper to correct this problem, this lack of protection that we have for our consumers out there? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wrote the Minister of MACA some time ago about my concerns about our lack of disclosure laws and consumer protection laws. The Minister wrote me back yesterday and I want to first thank the Minister for agreeing with me, because it’s quite obvious that the Minister denial training program hasn’t taken full effect yet because he did agree with a Member without a big study of saying no, no, nothing’s wrong. I see the Premier looking now.


Wait a minute; he’s going to recall the letter. But in the letter, Mr. Speaker, the Minister of MACA pointed...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, no one’s suggesting we have to reinvent the new wheel. This type of law exists all over Canada, all over the U.S., so I’m not sure what we’re going to sort of reinvent. The fact is, this Minister could agree to a discussion paper before February so that we can fully address this issue and build it into the priorities. So would the Minister agree to commit to building a discussion paper so that we can look at the fullness of the issue and how it can possibly be implemented in this term? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, Mr. Speaker, again, if you buy a house, it’s probably the largest purchase you’ll ever make. But if you find out, later on, the foundation’s cracked, it’s full of mould, and you’ve been sold a song that it’s the best house in the world and all of a sudden you find out that, you know, no one will ever want to buy your house again and the fact that you can’t get insurance, you may run into trouble even getting a mortgage. Mr. Speaker, there’s no protection for these large purchases and that could break a hard-working family. So would the Minister agree that this is...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today, I would like to address an issue of growing concern in my constituency and the North. In the booming market of real estate, cars and telemarketing, it is obvious that the NWT legislative framework to protect consumers from scams does not go far enough. This leaves consumers vulnerable and allows for dishonest practices to go unchecked in the NWT. Consumers need to be fully protected. Current NWT laws do not require disclosure on the integrity of a house or used car and there are no regulations for telemarketing. Our protection laws are minimal and we are...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I pointed out many times over the last Assembly and I will probably this Assembly, that alcohol and drugs continue to be a problem and the downtown continues to have many of these problems and highlighted is the fact that without the SCAN we don’t get the support without the human resources. What can the Minister do today to ensure that we are getting proper staffing levels with our local RCMP to make sure that we have the proper tools accessible in this community to help fight those problems? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, without sufficient resources and crime fighting laws such as the SCAN legislation, we will continue to have problems with drugs and alcohol in our community. Mr. Speaker, my question will be to the Premier of this House to answer this, but the fact is SCAN legislation won’t be the end all. I realize it’s part of the puzzle; that we will require good education, poverty plays a role as well as treatment options. So my question to the Premier in regards to SCAN is, will he commit to having the SCAN legislation reintroduced into this House so we can have...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to speak about the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act, or SCAN as it is known, Mr. Speaker, that failed in the last Assembly. As we all know too well, most of our serious crime and violent crime in the NWT is related to the sale of drugs and the abuse of alcohol. There were many issues from many residents just about how the SCAN legislation would work and be implemented. There were also issues and concerns that arose about an individual’s due process rights that could be circumvented by the process implemented by SCAN. As well, there was legal...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It sure sounds like a lot of work is being done, but nothing is being done or accomplished. Mr. Speaker, we could be building this facility now. I think the issue really at hand is what is slowing us down. I can’t see why we would have stalled some type of sod turning just because there was an election. The fact is it sounds like we have delayed this. What is the Minister telling us today? Is there going to be a project? If so, when are we going to start by sod turning, launching it, announcing it, etcetera? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my next set of questions will be directed to the Minister of Health and Social Services regarding the dementia centre. Mr. Speaker, the dementia centre has been a dream of many people in the city of Yellowknife to see built. It has been developed. It has been worked on for many years. It keeps getting stalled and redeveloped. It never seems to move forward. So, Mr. Speaker, I would like an update from the Minister of Health and Social Services. What is happening with this project? Can we expect anything to actually finally move forward on this...