Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, may I remind Members, back in 1999, the GNWT split into two and Nunavut became their own territory. But, Mr. Speaker, since that time, we continue to share the same licence plate. Mr. Speaker, our licence plate, as well as theirs, says "Explore Canada's Arctic." I wrote a letter to the Minister of Transportation to say is this relevant, does this need to be looked at? I've also talked to the NWT Tourism Association and they think it's an important issue to at least examine and discuss. Can I ask the Minister of Transportation what has he done on this...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the Premier further outlining this process, but I would like to encourage him to not wait until the next table. We can probably deal with this as a side table issue because we have cottage country within reach of Yellowknife that we could get lawful people out there enjoying summer, enjoying winter, whatever the case may be. Mr. Speaker, can the Premier explain what enforcement means, because he just hinted that there would be some enforcement, and how will it be monitored. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in my statement today, I spoke about the issue of recreational land availability around Yellowknife, in particular the Ingraham Trail. The issue, as I see it, needs to move forward and it’s an important issue. I would like to direct my questions to the Premier because it involves multi levels of government.

Mr. Speaker, is the Premier aware of any interim agreement or negotiations going on between DIAND, the Akaitcho, the GNWT to resolve the issue of squatters in and around Yellowknife because there is little enforcement and, further, is there any commitment...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise again to speak to the issue of squatters and land availability in the Yellowknife area. We know there is a big demand for recreational properties. We also know that because no new leases have been made available for many years, some people have helped themselves and went out to build structures, some more permanent than others, without permission or further legal right to be out there on that land. The area around the Ingraham Trail is particularly affected by these so-called trespassers or even squatters. There have been many previous debates in this House...

Debates of , (day 9)

I will tell you, it was painful sitting here listening…


Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, like all my other colleagues here, probably every single one in this building would believe that good infrastructure is critical. It’s important to the growth of the Northwest Territories as a whole. It’s good for the people. It’s good for the people, it’s good for business, it’s good for everything. Mr. Speaker, just like the road to Tuk someday, just like the bridges and roads in the Sahtu and maybe the roads that link the Tlicho communities, good infrastructure to Yellowknife such as a bridge is a significant step forward for everyone. Mr. Speaker, I am...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. If the Minister could expand what we're prepared to look at means, because I hope he would go to some type of public discussion, potentially even a competition, but I would certainly like to make sure that he engages our tourism industry partners on this issue. Is he willing to go out to some kind of discussion? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, just for clarity here, I am going to go back, although I have asked for it, I just want to be sure that we are on the same page. Would the Premier be willing to go out and speak to the Akaitcho folks and even place a phone call to the DIAND folks who are in charge of this area and strike up this meeting? The talks I have had with these individuals, they are ready and very interested in dealing with this problem. Would the Premier agree to do that today? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I see this issue clearly around the word respect. This is respect for First Nations land. This is respect for our environment. This is respect about the law. So if we don’t deal with the trespassers, it’s a serious issue. I have spoken to one of the local chiefs and he’s concerned. I have spoken to some of the DIAND folks here and they are concerned. Would the Premier be willing to initiate this, I think he called it a tabled situation. I’m sorry; I missed how he said it. Anyway, would he be willing to reinitiate this process to get this discussion out...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a couple of people to recognize. The first one I'd like to recognize is Ms. Phila Fyten. She's a very involved constituent in our community. I, too, wish to acknowledge the AFS student living in the riding with Sue and Norm Glowach, and the young lady's name is Letizia Foracchia. I hope that's close enough. She's staying with Norm and Sue Glowach, who are a generous family, well-known for taking in many adventurous students through the AFS Program. So thank you to them and welcome.
