Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 14)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That was a very welcoming answer from the Minister. I appreciate his collaboration and the necessity to talk to the Minister of ITI. Mr. Speaker, my next question to the Minister is, could he sort of outline some time frame that he could look at getting back to committee with this initiative? Could he look at doing this maybe before the next session that begins in February? Could he get back to us on that detail? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 14)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, wish to acknowledge our brave men and women in green here in the gallery today. It’s quite overwhelming to see them all. Thank you for coming.

Mr. Speaker, every day the Department of Education, Culture and Employment and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment contribute to individual artists and groups of artists through grants issued by the NWT Arts Council. In 2005-2006 there were 124 applications for grants totalling almost $1.2 million, of which the NWT Arts Council was able to fund 84 projects totalling $355,000. In the last update on the NWT...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, that $100 million would have been good money going into highway infrastructure, Mr. Speaker, with a partnership three ways with the federal and territorial government, but that’s another argument. Mr. Speaker, can I get some timelines from this Minister? Nunavut is considering the Bathurst Inlet port and if we are asleep at the switch too long, they are going to jump ahead of us on this opportunity. So what type of timeline can this Minister of Transportation tell me he’s going to work with industry to ensure we are doing this project in a timely way? Thank you...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yesterday in Yellowknife, it was plus five degrees. I checked the weather before I came downstairs, it was plus three degrees in Yellowknife and it was plus nine in Hay River. So I am getting at the fact that the climate is changing. Does the Minister of Transportation have any estimates on what it would cost to turn the Ingraham Trail into a year-round road, not of paving or chipseal quality, but simply a year-round access road to the diamond mine corridor? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 13)

In 2004, there were over 50,000 passengers and cargo flights landing in Yellowknife. This year, the number of flights grew by 30,000 flights because the winter roads closed early. A lot of these flights flew over Yellowknife waking babies, upsetting parents and causing a serious amount of noise pollution. When and if the pipeline goes ahead, flights over Yellowknife will only seriously increase.

Last year, the diamond mines were only able to get about two-thirds of their vehicles that they required in to get their freight and resupply ready. That forces them to find extra alternative ways to...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister earlier said it was approximately $100 million spent in resupplying the mines this spring and summer, Mr. Speaker. I think it’s a shame that that money is being spent in that regard. We could be putting it into real infrastructure, Mr. Speaker. When we have a Prime Minister who says if we do not approve the pipeline, there will be no resource deal, so, Mr. Speaker, let’s turn that around and say if the Prime Minister doesn’t approve infrastructure and a resource deal for the NWT, we should say no pipeline, Mr. Speaker. Let’s show him who truly is standing...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I was getting to in my Member’s statement, I was talking about this government not taking a sit down approach when dealing with the federal government. Mr. Speaker, we need year-round access to our mining corridor and, Mr. Speaker, we need a Transportation Minister to deliver that message. So to start to get to some of the answers to these questions, can the Minister tell me if his Department of Transportation has any preliminary estimates or any information on how much industry has spent this spring and summer because of the loss of their winter road access through...

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I really appreciate that answer from the Justice Minister. Mr. Speaker, the Minister did talk about bringing forward a proposal to the Social Programs committee. My next question would be, although he sort of answered it just for clarity of course, can the good Minister foresee that new legislation or a new act would be brought forward in the life of this Assembly to deal with this crime problem? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Last June I urged Justice Minister Bell to follow the lead of other Canadian jurisdictions and bring forward a Safe Communities and Neighbourhood Act for the NWT, along with effective enforcement tools.

I proposed this new initiative so we could bring community empowerment back to folks and take it away from those drug dealers and crack houses from trying to take over our communities. Mr. Speaker, I asked the Justice Minister to move quickly on this discussion paper and to bring a bill with the hope that new legislation could be implemented in this Assembly in a timely...

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, this is an initiative that's welcomed by my constituents. When the Premier had mentioned it the other day, I actually got a couple phone calls yesterday. The concern is that we've got these cockroach drug dealers in our communities and we have to get that infestation out, and by putting the light on it, they scurry away. So we're dealing with them, Mr. Speaker. To me, it's finally putting the light on crime and we're cracking down. So my last question, I think, to the Minister of Justice, is what type of consultation in the sense of partnership is he...