Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have questions for Minister Miltenberger in his capacity of Minister of ENR, not on the TTC this time. Madam Speaker, my question is with regard to the Ingraham Trail. I have constituents along the trail, as well as every other Yellowknife MLA, who have legal cabins out there. In the past, they brought forward their concerns and the former Minister of RWED, Minister Bell, started actioning a program to help deal with some of those concerns, but he no longer carries that portfolio. The concerns brought forward were garbage, trail establishment, clear-cutting...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I don’t know if I have to say any more. It’s proof that we haven’t obviously thought this out. It’s proof that the consultant hasn’t spoken to the people who have been impacted. It’s proof that no one has spoken to the families or the staff that run these programs, and its proof that we haven’t spent any effort at looking what the full cost of this is going to be. Would the Minister commit to looking up that information and trying to prove to me and some of my good colleagues if this is worth it, if it is viable, if it is even smart? Would the Minister commit to...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I say this with respect, but I wish the Minister had that type of vision maybe to open up our treatment centre here in Yellowknife. We don’t have a Territorial Treatment Centre open. We could have spent that $3.3 million or whatever the actual dollars are. Why don’t we open a facility that this community is in desperate need of, because we have communities sending folks with problems to Yellowknife and they’re getting them out of the community? The cost is unreasonable. So how much is it now going to cost us if we spend $3.3 million in Hay River to renovate Dene...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. If I may pose a question one more time in a different direction and I will accept a ruling graciously, if you think it's out of order, but I will say that it's linked to the $620,000 which all links to the bigger picture. The fact is we have one company now accepting that percentage of rough. So I guess if I can have my one question today, I'll accept that graciously with no further questions. If the Minister of ITI is able to answer that, who is drawing on that 10 percent rough? The Minister of Finance has said that there are possibly four. If we could just get...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have two sets of visitors to acknowledge today. First I will acknowledge the constituents of Chuck Tolley and Muriel Tolley, and Muriel's mother, Vera Forde, from Saskatoon is visiting. I believe they are just above here.


Madam Speaker, I, too, have an exchange student that lives in my riding. This exchange student is hosted by the Glowach family, so I wish to say thank you to them. The young man's name is Alan Chiang from Hong Kong.


I would like to say hi to Alan in Cantonese, so I would say…(English not provided)


Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you. I'm probably dancing a line of being ruled out of order. I probably will end my questions at this point, but I do think speaking to the bigger picture with the trouble we've had with Sirius, I think we're forgetting the compound effect and we've had trouble in how much it's cost us in the bigger picture. Unfortunately, we're running out of days in this House to put questions with regard to our diamond subsidy program or a diamond program, and what benefit the GNWT has received as a whole. I think this has kind of raised questions -- it certainly has in my constituency and I know...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm sorry; Mr. Minister. Would that be even a further loss? I'm just trying to ascertain…So we lost more money than the company was worth. I'm just trying to understand, did we lose $6.5 million and the $4.5 million was what we were able to recover, so the total loss was $2 million? Maybe if the Minister could clarify, for my benefit, the loss to receive ratio on money of the sale of Sirius. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. At this time are we able to say what the sale of Sirius was to the company buying it? So the sale price. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am looking for a further commitment from the Minister to see if we can step up some of the patrols. I know there has been some presence in our parks, but the constituents are asking for more visual presence on the weekends, especially the long weekends. Can I get that commitment today? Generally, most of these areas are referring to just past the Cameron River and towards Yellowknife. Those are the areas of highest contention. Again, I am referring to legalized cabin areas. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. To avoid taking the question as notice, I will issue a general one. Would the Minister be willing to assure me today that the patrols will be stepped up to ensure that property is safe, people are not clear-cutting, shooting, or attacking killer trees? Would he assure me that the patrols are out there protecting people and ensuring that property is safe? Thank you, Madam Speaker.