Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a general comment. I will first start off by saying that I am in support of this and I will be voting in favour of this bill.

Just for the sake of the public of course, there are concerns. Of course, we are establishing a new education board and health board. Maybe if the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs could outline how the agreement would work. For example, if there is incompatibility in the sense of a standard, the GNWT would like to move forward with a different standard, if the Minister could give us an example on how that type of relationship in those...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this could be a hallmark of this government. We talk endlessly about hydro, the big plans of the future and whatnot. Well, let’s talk about the people who will be here after these diamond mines are gone, after these oil and gas things are gone; let’s talk about them. They are the ones underpinning our society.

This is just whitewashing the issue. Will the Premier take responsibility and say we are going to make it a mandate of this government to solve this problem? We are going to open the doors, we are not just going to send them here, send them there...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am going to continue asking questions to the Premier, in regard to multi-year funding.

Mr. Speaker, I was concerned that the Premier may have implied in one way or the other that we should be accountable for that money. If that was the case, I am going to go back to Hansard and see if he was implying it. Because I think that that is a point of privilege and in no way would I imply in any way that we should not be accountable for our multi-year funding.

Mr. Speaker, I am talking about how these NGOs are being funded. I am talking about making their life...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my next question for the Premier of our government truly is a straightforward one; maybe we’ll get a direct answer on this one. Mr. Speaker, in June of 2002 we had our government table the action plan for a social agenda. Where is this government’s action plan to addressing the need for multi-year funding to address the starving stability that’s out there for NGOs and volunteer organizations? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I rise again to ask questions about multi-year funding and my questions will be directed to the Premier of our government. Mr. Speaker, it’s my opinion that multi-year funding could be the hallmark of this Assembly instead of oil and gas and hydro. So with that question with regard to multi-year funding, is it a position or a policy of this government to create instability or uncertainty amongst our volunteers or in the NGO sector, or at the very least is it a position of our government, although maybe not written, to support our volunteer or NGO sector...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you. Could the Minister also provide the results of those appeals, whether they were upheld or overturned? I am not looking for further details, just whether the committee voted in favour of the student or not in favour. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Speaking to the SFA grants specifically, would the Minister be able to tell me how many grants are withdrawn every year? If a student has been disqualified from their grants, for whatever reason, could the Minister tell me how many grants are withdrawn every year?

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In no way would I suggest that we should build under the building code. It seems as if the building code is designed as a minimum and a lot of people stick to the minimum, but the minimum does not create quality of life, Mr. Speaker. I think the Minister agreed that quality of life is important somewhere in there. He did mention that policies are being revised. I think I’ve heard him even say we need respectful living with dignity. Mr. Speaker, my question then to the Minister is would he look into a policy that evolves with the times, that addresses the needs of...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I further rise with a bit of concern because it’s working with here, working with there, working who knows everywhere. I feel like Dr. Seuss, for goodness sakes. Mr. Speaker, I know we can do something like this and, by George, we have the paper, we have the hot air. Can we get a coordinated policy that organizes independent, respectful, dignified living for people who are seniors and people with disabilities? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 43)

Mr. Speaker, we may not be breaking any official laws. I can guarantee you that some bureaucrat out there will take a tape measure and say, yes, we’re treating this perfectly to the letter of the law. But I’m not talking about building things to the minimum, Mr. Speaker. I’m talking about giving people their lives; I’m talking about giving them a life worth living, Mr. Speaker. So I’m going to say that this government needs a firm policy on how to help address the housing needs of those seniors and disabled people, Mr. Speaker.

This government needs to embrace independent living. We have people...