Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I rise again because I still have concerns about the rising oil prices. Mr. Speaker, I spoke yesterday to the Minister of FMBS about these concerns. Unfortunately, I felt that my answers were lacking any true lustre. Mr. Speaker, I am concerned again and I will have questions about the monitoring and consumption of fuel and power. I don’t believe that I got solid answers on how we are doing this. So, Mr. Speaker, attention needs to be looked at this issue. It’s a serious issue. We need direction. I’m not suggesting that we need to spend oodles of...

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to speak briefly in regard to the motion. I will honestly say that I believe the motion will help start a process where we will fix the FAA; that’s the Financial Administration Act. I believe that our present government, although a minority government and also known as a consensus government, does act and govern like a majority government, although the numbers are quite the opposite, maybe Ottawa can take lessons from how our government as a minority government governs as if it is a majority government.

Mr. Speaker, this motion will say that they need to...

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, a year ago during the election campaign, I heard loudly and clearly in the city of Yellowknife, not just my riding of Yellowknife Centre, but in the city of Yellowknife as a whole, about the need for a treatment centre. The people were screaming for it, Mr. Speaker. People were asking for it. MLAs have been asking about it for a long time. So this motion, I think, speaks to the intent of what folks have been asking for.

What better job than to serve our people of the Northwest Territories? Well, our people are asking us to serve them by doing their...

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. If all three Ministers are going to be dealing with this, maybe I will send my next question to the Premier. Mr. Speaker, I am not sure if we just continue to direct it to the Minister of Finance or what. I look for direction, but I will direct it to the Minister of Finance and allow you to redirect it as appropriate. Mr. Speaker, we need to tighten our belts. That doesn’t cost money. Mr. Speaker, it has been mentioned that we use the Arctic Energy Alliance and we have been. We fund them through our programs. We can do this. I am not talking about expensive...

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I won’t go to the length of yesterday’s transcripts, but I will refer to pages 2380, 2381, 2382, and 2383. I will just paraphrase to put it all together. The Minister spoke about departments consulting with RWED, the Department of Housing. He talked about on an annual basis. Some of these problems we can’t build into a budget exercise, anticipated costs, operational things are being done. We realize that there are going to be some impacts, but to mitigate them, we have to work forward at the time with real bills. Mr. Speaker, I am basically talking...

Debates of , (day 31)

We need a directive that looks at this problem. This is a simple solution. We need to personalize this solution as a commitment to the people of the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to speak against the motion that will have us adjourn until February. This session was scheduled to go until November 4th and I speak in favour of that because I would like to see all MLAs continue the opportunity to hold the government’s feet to the fire on asking questions. I find, in my opinion, as an MLA it’s very difficult to get the government to move with those stone legs, those lead feet I was talking about earlier today, without pressing them hard with questions in the public and we’re missing that public opportunity. So I’ll be voting against this...

Debates of , (day 31)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, what is the plan to deal with these increasing power bills and oil bills? Is it just to pay after the fact, or is there any plan to mitigate that potential significant bill that will be increased this year? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 30)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I guess then that’s fine. I must not have been able to hear it on this side of the House without my earpiece. What I will say is kudos to our Premier, because without us having a letter out there to say we want to know more, it’s difficult to make good policy. So I will lend my support to the Premier of seeking further information at this time. He can have my support on that basis, and we will proceed to the next level when we get to see the letter and we get the reaction from Ottawa on that potential briefing some day. Thank you, no question.

Debates of , (day 30)

Thank you, Madam Chair. If the Premier could give me some indication as to when this letter may be going out, I suspect it’s probably under some quite significant scrutiny to make sure on a big issue like this that it gets written properly so the messages are clear. Would the Premier be able to indicate roughly when this letter would be going out? Because I’ll give the Premier the latitude of the assumption that if it’s going out this week, maybe next week, I am certainly satisfied to wait until the letter goes out, but if the letter is going to be sitting on his desk for another month due...