Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my topic today is to ask an obvious question. What is the BIP? It’s the business incentive policy, Mr. Speaker, but really what does that mean? It is to create a level playing field whereby we formally acknowledge that, tucked well within the beauty of our northern fresh air, our friendly-spirited environment, the government recognizes simple factors that need to be considered; obvious factors, Mr. Speaker, such as a jug of milk here costs more than it does in Calgary, and a kilowatt isn’t as cheap as it is in Edmonton. Mr. Speaker, labour comes at a...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, if the Minister could elaborate a little further, I notice that the travel budget is--if I heard him correctly--he said $555,000. He also said we had a $213,000 travel budget for what I understood as the ministry’s office, maybe specifically to the ministry. If he could elaborate on both of those. What’s the number of employees that travel? That’s a lot of travel. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I am referring to page 2-70 under grants and contributions, Aboriginal Affairs. The line item I'm referring to is regional reorganization and capacity building. For the 2004-2005 main estimates we have a line item of $200,000, where I noted in 2003-04 in the revised main estimates there was zero, and it notes under actual under 2002-03 $40,000. So I am looking for the reason why basically one year, why did they take the year off, or what happened, or where did they go, or was this cost under some other line items that needs to be explained? Thank you...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, the committee recommends that the committee continue to review Bill 1 with the conclusion of the Department of Public works and Services, Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs and the Executive offices. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Did the Minister imply that these were negotiated contracts?

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, the committee met with the Minister on February 17, 2004 to review the draft 2004-2005 main estimates for the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. The ministry is proposing a $48,000 decrease in operations and expenses from the 2003-2004 main estimate. The committee is concerned about the slow implementation of land claims agreements and hopes to see considerable progress during the term of the 15th Assembly. Despite the considerable number of years since the signing of the agreement with the Inuvialuit, Gwich’in and Sahtu people, there are still numerous issues...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I move that this committee recommends the government continue to hold to its position that incremental self-government costs are the responsibility of the federal government. And further, that the government maintains a strong position with respect to self-government implementation costs in order to ensure the GNWT does not pay costs that are the responsibility of the federal government.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the recognition of the clock and allowing me to finish my questions. Mr. Speaker, under section five -- and I’m still concerned with the waiving of the BIP and understanding how it’s meeting our goals -- number one under general points out that the authority to make exemptions and approval revisions to the policy rests with the Executive Council. Now, I won’t argue with that, but how are we to translate when we waive and don’t waive and how is the Premier supposed to get that communicated out to the general public as we’re trying to meet our policy goals...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just find it an administrative anomaly. It could just be me, though. That’s fine.

Just expanding a little further on the travel issue, which I will leave as a comment, I find it an exceptionally large travel budget for such a small department. It just seems perplexing at this stage why we have more than $750,000 in the travel money there. It just seems insane. I am still having a difficult time seeing the reduction. I have to admit when the Minister had indicated earlier that we took a three-year travel average of $700,000 and I still find growth in that, maybe it...

Debates of , (day 10)

No further questions at this time.