Robert Hawkins

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just a point, due to shortness, I tried to summarize my preamble into my next question. Essentially, I'm asking if the Minister would supply us with information, a database that we could work with to see offences committed in the Northwest Territories, so we could recognize the potential usefulness of a database that would note sex offenders. Therefore, we would note reoccurrence of sex offenders in the Northwest Territories, as well as potential offenders who have offended in the Northwest Territories who are not Northwest Territories citizens. Therefore, I'm...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you to the Minister for answering that question. Then in this case, Mr. Speaker, I would like to further draw attention that on September 6, 2001, the Ontario Conservative Government offered their $2 million software at no cost to any other government in Canada that wished to use it. Noting that this software is free from Ontario, would the Minister be willing to investigate the potential of accessing this free software database program for the Northwest Territories?

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two people I would like to recognize in the gallery. Mr. Ed Jeske is a very respected yet feisty senior here in Yellowknife.


The second, I am not sure if she is still up there but Ms. Julie Sorel. She is my constituency assistant, which I want to point out if I look good, the credit is solely due to her, and if I don’t look good, obviously I didn’t pay attention to her. Thank you.



Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Minister, for your answer. Mr. Minister, my next question to you is what are you prepared to do in a reasonable sense to help assist with this access, so that people can access family law services much sooner? Is the Minister prepared today to reassure me that he will take steps so that all approved legal aid files will receive at least a first-base meeting within 30 days?

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my riding of Yellowknife Centre has come forward to express that they have many concerns with the swiftness of access to justice through the legal aid system, whereby access to this justice seems to wear lead shoes. Mr. Speaker, reading past Hansards shows many questions have been put to the government, yet it also shows very few real responses.

Mr. Speaker, later today I will be bringing some of the concerns forward of the people of my riding. Mr. Speaker, I don’t believe we’re truly taking care of our people and later, during question period, I will be...

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I do want to thank the Minister for pointing out the independence of the board. The independent board is very important. Although it cannot be overlooked, the board is also accountable to the Minister. Mr. Minister, can I get your commitment today that you would make statistical information available to the Members of this Assembly regarding typical workload breakdown of legal aid files within the system from where they start as they enter, to where they get their first meetings, and when they come to a relative close, and if you could tie this together...

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today the Minister of Justice will have the pleasure of receiving my questions regarding my concerns with legal aid access when it comes to family law issues. Mr. Speaker, concerns have been brought forward to me by someone in my riding.

I've only recently learned that in fact if you are a person accused of a crime, you have the appointment of a lawyer immediately. However, Mr. Speaker, if you're a mother of two who is desperately struggling to put milk and butter on the table and attempting to get legal custody of your children and you need to make an...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to note one of our most notable seniors in Yellowknife, Mr. Ed Jeske. I believe he is up there, he was waving to me when I came in. Thank you.


Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I’m here to talk to you about family. This past weekend, I happened to have the pleasure of attending a special surprise birthday party for a couple of constituents of mine, Larry and Hermie Pineda. They’re 75 years and 74 years of age respectively, and they’ve been married almost 54 years. I think that’s an incredible feat to recognize and it’s with an amazing amount of respect you have to look towards folks like this. They don’t just build a family; they build a community, folks like this.

On that note, sometimes you can look around and there are sad stories...

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you again, Mr. Speaker.

WHEREAS this Legislative Assembly is required to appoint Members to the Board of Management in accordance with section 36(3) of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act;

AND WHEREAS appointments to the Board of Management are required to be made during the first session of each legislature;

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for North Slave, that the following Members be appointed to the Board of Management of this Assembly: Honourable David Krutko, Member for Mackenzie Delta; the Honourable Brendan Bell, Member for Yellowknife South...