Shane Thompson

Member Nahendeh


Shane Thompson was re-elected to the 20th Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly after serving in the 18th and 19th Assemblies representing the constituency of Nahendeh. Mr. Thompson is the Honorable Speaker of the 20th Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly.

Mr. Thompson was first elected to the 18th Assembly in November 2015 and served as Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Development. Mr. Thompson was also a member of the Standing Committee on Priorities and Planning, the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures, and the Striking Committee.

Mr. Thompson was born on July 11, 1963, in Hay River. He has lived in Kugluktuk (Coppermine), Inuvik, Hay River, and in Edmonton, while at the University of Alberta. Fort Simpson has been his home since 1992.

Mr. Thompson previously served two terms (three years each) as an elected official with the Fort Simpson District Education Authority, spending the last four years as the chairperson. Over the past 35 years, he has served on various community and territorial boards.

Mr. Thompson was employed as the Senior Sport and Recreation Coordinator with Municipal and Community Affairs (GNWT) in the Deh Cho region before being elected as a Member.

Mr. Thompson completed the Community Recreation Leaders Program at Arctic College in 1989 and is currently working on a Masters Certificate on Evaluation at the University of Victoria and Carleton University. He also completed three years towards an Education degree at the University of Alberta.

Mr. Thompson is an active volunteer with Northern Youth Aboard, CBET and Fundamental Movement, and HIGH FIVE®. As well, he is a past member of the Sport North Federation Board, NWT Softball and of NWTRPA, and the past president of Seven Spruce Golf Course.

Mr. Thompson is the father of seven children - five daughters and two sons – and has nine grandchildren.

He has been a Justice of the Peace since 1991.

Nahendeh Electoral District


Member's Office

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Box
Constituency Office

9706-100th Street
Fort Simpson NT X0E 0N0


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

What will happen to all these resources if this library is being closed?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Thank you very much. I’ll have some other questions about that later on, but when it comes to committee I’ll have some concerns about that. The federal exchange of services I’ve seen a huge increase from the previous revised estimates. Could you explain this huge increase? It’s almost double. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Do you have to pay for these online subscriptions?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Covered by workman’s compensation act and the Corrections Act. Do they sign a waiver to say that they’re waiving their rights? Can the Minister explain that? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

I thank the Minister for that answer. Just so I understand properly… Somebody said something. Now I have to catch it. Subscriptions are involved. Is it electronic or hard copy?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Regarding inmate recovery, do we have a… What’s the legal liability issue of having these inmates working outside of the confinement of corrections? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Thank you. I’ll just build on Mr. O’Reilly’s questions here so I can better understand what’s being offered here. If I understand correctly, we have $100,000 for salary, then we have $367,000 which includes materials and supplies and volumes of books. Is this correct?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

I thank the Minister for his answer. I guess the thing is the question comes back to, he’s saying it works. We’re hearing, myself, that there’s some challenges out there. My question is again, how does somebody in Yellowknife not in the region, in Yellowknife able to answer questions after hours and on weekends?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

Thank you, Ms. Haener, and I thank the Minister for his answers as well. Can the Minister commit to providing the social development committee with an update on this, so we know what’s going on in this area? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 23)

I’m just going to ask a couple more questions to my favourite new Minister of Transportation. In regards to our conversation today, we were talking about, or our Q and A session here, we were talking about the airports and that. Can the Minister please advise us how somebody from Yellowknife, a duty officer is able to provide good information to the airlines that are outside when he has no experience in those communities?