Committees of the Legislative Assembly

Committees have become an essential part of modern legislatures. They make the NWT Legislative Assembly more effective by allowing Members to look at issues in a detailed way. Committees occasionally travel to various parts of the Northwest Territories thereby taking the Legislature to the people.  Committees can meet during Sessions or between Sessions. The Legislative Assembly has three types of committees - Committee of the Whole, Standing Committees and Special Committees.

Committee of the Whole

This committee consists of all the Members of the Assembly. It is the Assembly itself - but the proceedings are not as formal and have more flexible rules. The Deputy Speaker chairs Committee of the Whole in place of the Speaker. There are also two Deputy Chairpersons who assist the Chair of Committee of the Whole.

The Legislative Assembly refers many matters to the Committee of the Whole. For instance, all Bills are brought to the Committee after Second Reading where they are looked at very carefully and possibly changed.

All business discussed in Committee of the Whole is reported to the Assembly by the Chairman. The Assembly then decides whether to accept the Committee’s report and whether to adopt the decisions made in Committee of the Whole.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees carry out much of the work of the Assembly, saving Members a considerable amount of time during sessions. They also help to ensure that all Members have the opportunity to voice their opinions on each issue.

The Board of Management, chaired by the Speaker, administers the Assembly support services and advises the Legislature on matters such as Members’ indemnities, benefits and allowances, and provide for the management and operation of the Office of the Legislative Assembly.

Special Committees

Special committees are created as needed by the Assembly. The Legislative Assembly determines the specific responsibilities of each special committee and identifies a specific time frame for the completion of its mandate.

For example, the 18th Assembly established one special committee: The Special Committee to Increase the Representation of Women and the 19th Assembly created the Special Committee on Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs.

Process for the Territorial Leadership Committee confirmed


(Yellowknife) October 12, 2007 – Members-elect of the 16th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories have confirmed the process to be used to elect the Speaker, Premier, and Executive Council during the Territorial Leadership Committee (TLC) meetings being held next week in Yellowknife. 

The Caucus of 19 Members-elect have agreed that the first order of business at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 will be the election of the Speaker. The process to be used is changed in that candidates for the Speaker’s position will have five minutes to deliver a speech to Members of the Assembly regarding their suitability for the role of Speaker. After the speeches have concluded, a secret ballot vote will be held, and the results released. Once the Speaker-elect has been chosen, he/she will Chair the Territorial Leadership Committee meeting. 

The TLC will re-convene on Wednesday, October 17 at 9:00 a.m. to elect the Premier from among the 18 remaining Members. Each candidate nominated for Premier will be given 20 minutes to deliver a speech and will answer a maximum of two questions from each Member. 

The Executive Council selection process will follow past practise whereby a total of six Ministers will be chosen. The regional balance of two Ministers from the northern constituencies, two from southern constituencies, and two from Yellowknife will be maintained. 

The public is invited to observe the Territorial Leadership Committee meetings, which will be held in the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly building. Formal motions to ratify the TLC selections will be brought forward when the 16th Legislative Assembly convenes on Thursday, October 18, at 1:30 p.m. 

For further information contact: 

Tim Mercer, Clerk 
Legislative Assembly of the NWT 
P: 867-669-2299 or 1-800-661-0784 
Email: @email 

All Members-elect 
Legislative Assembly of the NWT 
P: 867-669-2200 or 1-800-661-0784

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