Debates of October 7, 2008 (day 38)


Member’s Statement on Mangilaluk School Expansion

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Over the last year I have had the honour as the MLA of Nunakput to travel across this beautiful territory. Since then I have seen many stunning schools. Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Speaker; the students deserve these comprehensive facilities, but so do we.

This is the shame of the government. The community schools are supposed to be a focal point of the community, where activities and gatherings and, most importantly, where learning takes place, but when a school lacks even the most basic standards, the whole community suffers. That, Mr. Speaker, is wrong.

Mr. Speaker, students should be able to go to a school they enjoy and feel comfortable in. Educating is not only books and tests; it’s the building, the environment, the teachers, the community.

One of the government’s pledges was to provide good and equal education for all residents of the Northwest Territories, but when it comes to smaller communities, schools are far below large centre standards such as Yellowknife’s. I wonder when this government is going to put their money where their mouth is.

Mr. Speaker, trades and learning skills must be promoted by this government. What better way of promoting these skills than a home ec, shop or industrial technical learning expansion centre? When the Territories begin some megaprojects, we are going to need thousands of northern skilled workers.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Unanimous consent granted.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, colleagues. Is this government going to wait until we have to teach geometry in the hallways and the bathrooms and staff have to eat their lunches in a donated sea can, until students and counsellors have to talk about their personal challenges in the library and not in a private space? Or is this government going to commit to the building expansion of Mangilaluk School that the community needs so badly?

Speaker: Mr. Speaker

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, Mr. Beaulieu.