Debates of February 22, 2010 (day 32)



Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. [English translation not provided.]

Mr. Speaker, between 2004 and 2009 the housing needs have grown from 16 percent to 19 percent across NWT. Mr. Speaker, that should not happen. My estimates are that the NWT Housing Corporation has in excess of $100 million per year to address social housing needs across the Northwest Territories.

In addition to that, CMHC’s affordable housing money, the NWT Housing Corporation, in my estimate, spent around $900 million to address social housing needs between 2004 and 2009.

Mr. Speaker, how does a corporation that is designed to address social housing need to spend that much money and lose ground? I can tell you how, Mr. Speaker: no strategy, no focus and simply not knowing the real needs of the small communities.

Mr. Speaker, from 2004 to 2009 the core need in Yellowknife remained constant at 9 percent and since 46 percent of the households are in Yellowknife, that means the actual core need in the other communities is actually 28 percent.

Mr. Speaker, when you remove the regional centres and Yellowknife, the needs in the smaller communities are at 42 percent. Mr. Speaker, that shows the NWT Housing Corporation is not focussed in the right areas and does not have a strategy that combats the core need issue for housing. That, after spending 800 to 900 million dollars in that time period.

Mr. Speaker, the NWT Housing Corporation needs a strategy to address core need issues for housing in smaller communities. The NWT Housing Corporation has to develop programs and policies that actually work to take people out of core need. Mr. Speaker, this type of miserable failure should not be ignored by this government. I have made many suggestions on how things could be improved. Very few of my ideas were taken seriously. I will have questions for the Minister at the appropriate time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.