Debates of March 4, 2010 (day 4)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I would like to bring the attention of the Legislative Assembly to the inevitable and always well-received Hay River Reserve Kamba Carnival.

This year marks the 27th anniversary of the Kamba Carnival and, as promised every year, it will be sure to deliver plenty of interesting activities and family fun for folks of all ages. Whether their preferences are for indoor or outdoor activities, Hay River Reserve Kamba Carnival is sure to test your wit during traditional Dene games, hand games, or inspire you to jig at the dances or talent shows. Kamba Carnival is sure to chase away those winter blues. Of course, for those winter warriors and those who aren’t ready yet to see Old Man Winter leave on vacation, Kamba Carnival on the reserve is sure to deliver one last hurrah with exciting snowmobile races and adventurous dog-mushing events.

This annual event is organized by many dedicated and committed volunteers who donate a lot of their time and energy to showcase one of the community’s biggest events of the year, and in the past it has drawn visitors and fun seekers from communities such as Yellowknife and Fort Smith and communities all around the Great Slave Lake and Deh Cho and Akaitcho regions. A lot of people even come from southern Alberta as the event seems to draw more and more people in attendance from further and further away each year.

I’d like to invite everyone to come out and join the fun this weekend on the K’atlodeeche First Nations Hay River Reserve. On behalf of the Deh Cho constituency and to all of the competitors, I wish all the best. Play hard, play safe, and to all those who are attending as non-competitors, good luck at bingo.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Robert McLeod.