Debates of May 13, 2010 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. With the expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve, I have been advised that there are 18 employment opportunities opening up in the Parks Canada office in Fort Simpson in the near future. I am very happy about this news as it is the opportunity for 15 people in Fort Simpson and three seasonal positions in Nahanni Butte.

We are so very fortunate to have this national park and world heritage site so close by. With its caves, hot springs, wetlands, its grizzly bears, Dall sheep and so much more wildlife, it is truly spectacular. The Nahanni River races over Virginia Falls, the height of which eclipses Niagara Falls, and it rushes through canyons about 1,000 metres deep.

These new positions will be of great significance to the region. Six of the positions have been posted already and I understand that the competitions are closed. I encourage young people and all residents to keep a lookout for job advertisements and apply for suitable positions as they are advertised. I think that there will be a number of jobs that Fort Simpson residents will be qualified for.

This is a wonderful opportunity for young people and adults to consider a career in the national park system. There will be guidance given for those who want to seek employment if they are not yet qualified. The parks office in Fort Simpson is there for the long run, Mr. Speaker, and do want to encourage long-term employment for our local people and local residents.

There are also business opportunities, with $5 million of capital expenditures in the Nahendeh region. In addition, they are negotiating impact benefits which will add to the current opportunities in the region. Overall, I do want to say that with an expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve, we can benefit in our communities and in the Northwest Territories. Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.