Debates of May 13, 2010 (day 10)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Recently, on my last visit to Ulukhaktok, various leaders, elders and representatives expressed concerns on medical travel that is being coordinated. Some of the leadership said the medical travel patients are constantly being bumped off Aklak Air from Ulukhaktok to Inuvik and vice versa. There are only two seats reserved on Aklak’s flights into the community, therefore, patients travelling to see a specialist or a doctor most likely get bumped.

This has been an ongoing issue since the route was changed from Yellowknife to Inuvik. There are countless patients that go through the situation day after day. For the patients travelling to see a specialist, when they are bumped they have to wait the extra time to see a specialist that goes into Inuvik, which could be months, Mr. Speaker.

For the last three or four years the Hamlet of Ulukhaktok has brought this up to the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, asking for bigger planes. Some of the elders refuse to fly on Aklak because the planes are so small and they do not have a washroom onboard the aircraft. People in Ulukhaktok would like to see the route changed, if they can, from Inuvik to Yellowknife. It’s the same price and there are more specialists in Yellowknife here.

When you live in the small, isolated communities such as Ulukhaktok, air travel is a lifeline. All year round there is no road or community for assistance. These people are dealing with serious medical conditions and when they can’t make the appointments, they have to wait for the next round of visits. There are only, like I said, two seats saved for medical travel for patients. Even the constituents who receive medical treatment in Edmonton, the medical administrator still sends them through Inuvik. That would mean longer travel time and a lot longer to get home to family, bumped off due to Aklak’s small aircraft. In addition, the assistance that they receive in the Inuvik Regional Hospital can be administered out of Yellowknife, Mr. Speaker.

Flying through Yellowknife straight to Ulukhaktok would save all parties physically and financially, while avoiding long, unaffordable wait times in the transient centre, especially over a weekend.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

Flying from Yellowknife straight to Ulukhaktok would save all parties physically and financially.

Over the years I’ve raised many concerns regarding the GNWT’s Medical Travel Policy and how this could be more suitable for small and remote communities. Over the years the Minister has found many excuses to defend the current policies. Will this government and the Department of Health listen to what the people of the Nunakput community of Ulukhaktok are asking for and implement their recommendations and concerns regarding medical travel, administrative procedures and policies?

As our community’s population ages, the current practice will increasingly be inadequate. Our elders and patients deserve more from this government, Mr. Speaker. I will have questions for the Minister of Health and Social Services at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Member for Great Slave, Mr. Abernethy.