Debates of October 21, 2010 (day 21)



Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Mr. Speaker, I phoned the community of Wrigley recently and told them the ferry services to Wrigley are very important to them. This is what I’m going to be talking about today. [Translation ends]

…closure of the Ndulee ferry. Tentatively, the Department of Transportation is looking at Monday, October 25th. The community has requested until October 31, 2010. The closure will have a big impact on the residents because they do not have a full-time store. They’re also awaiting shipment for their small concession store of staple items that they have need for. They’re also awaiting equipment for their business arm, and residents get faced with exceptional air charter costs because of the new rule of not allowing residents to land at a temporary airstrip on the highway.

The early closure will have the most impact on those with low income, pensioners and those on social assistance. They get their monthly stipend at the end of this month.

On behalf of the residents of the community of Wrigley, I request the Minister of Transportation request his department to seriously consider the request of the community.

In Minister Bob McLeod’s statement he confirms that reducing the cost of living is one of our five strategic initiatives of our government. We pride ourselves each time we do that. This small request for a one-week extension to the Ndulee ferry operation is consistent with our goal and at a very small cost.

Last year at this time the residents of Wrigley faced many challenges financially from an early closure. This time, will the Minister of Transportation ensure that the story is different and do anything he can in his power to hear the needs of the community of Wrigley?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.