Debates of November 1, 2010 (day 27)



Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement I spoke about the sawmill operations being relocated in Jean Marie River. I would like to ask, I believe it’s the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources some questions on it. In the springtime they had First Nations funding from the federal government to relocate the sawmill. They’ve only completed half the job. I’d like to ask the Minister, at what stage has their department been assisting the community in relocating the sawmill.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Minister responsible for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr. Miltenberger.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Environment and Natural Resources has been working with the community. As the Member knows, Jean Marie River has indicated interest in biomass and we are hoping it would be the site of a pilot project that would take advantage of their location in the boreal forest and the work that they’ve done. They’ve been involved on this project, but I am not aware of the specific information that the Member has mentioned about the shortfall of the funding. Thank you.

The Minister may not have seen the proposal yet from the community, but what type of programming would be available from Environment and Natural Resources to assist the sawmill operation like this and relocating them? Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, Environment and Natural Resources has the lead with the file as it pertains to the development of the Biomass Strategy and implementation across the North. We, as the government, have put $60 million over four years for alternative energy. One significant piece of that is dedicated towards biomass. There is funding available for different projects.

Once again, I’d have to check with the department and maybe talk to the Member and get some more detail, but there is a biomass plan, there is funding in place to assist with biomass projects. The question would have to be to see what flexibility is there. Thank you.

I’m pleased to see that there is some programming. Hopefully, what they would like to do will fit in the guidelines.

My next logical question is: Have all the programming dollars been taken up for this fiscal year? Is this an opportunity for the community of Jean Marie to relocate the rest of the equipment this coming winter? Thank you.

We’re breaking trail in a lot of different areas and as we’ve discovered with this whole initiative, we’re moving ahead in many places but there is often some slippage.

Once again, I will commit to the Member that I will look at what the proposal is -- I have yet to see it -- and then I’ll talk to the deputy minister and we’ll see what’s possible. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.