Debates of February 4, 2011 (day 33)

16th Assembly, 5th Session
Members Present
Mr. Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Bromley, Hon. Paul Delorey, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Krutko, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Sandy Lee, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Michael McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Ramsay, Hon. Floyd Roland, Mr. Yakeleya


Mr. Speaker, the Mackenzie Gas Project has the potential to create substantial economic benefits for the people of the Northwest Territories, helping us to make real progress towards this Assembly’s goal of a diversified northern economy providing opportunities and choices for our residents. As Members of this House are aware, we have reached a key milestone in the regulatory review of the project. On December 16, 2010, the National Energy Board released their reasons for a decision on the Mackenzie Gas Project, concluding that the project is in the public interest and should be built. We anticipate that the federal government will approve this decision in the near future.

This brings us closer to building the Mackenzie Valley Gas Project than ever before. When the pipeline is built, the Northwest Territories has a great opportunity to showcase the sustainable development potential of our Territory, to grow the economy of the Northwest Territories and Canada, and contribute to efforts geared towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing our dependence on diesel fuels.

The National Energy Board attached 264 conditions to the approval of the Mackenzie Gas Project in areas such as engineering, safety and environmental protection. A number of these recommendations will require active participation by the Government of the Northwest Territories to ensure these objectives are met.

The Government of the Northwest Territories support for the Mackenzie Gas Project includes a

number of strategic objectives all aimed at building a prosperous economy and minimizing any possible negative impacts to our residents, communities and the environment. This is consistent with our plan to maximize the benefits of development, as outlined in the government’s strategic plan. As such, we agreed to support the Mackenzie Gas Project provided that the construction and operation of the project is undertaken in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner, that Northwest Territories residents and businesses will benefit from this development over time, and that the project is undertaken in a way that encourages exploration and development of the basin. I am happy to report that all three objectives have been reflected in the National Energy Board conditions for approval.

The National Energy Board requires the project proponents to file an updated cost estimate and report on their decision to build the pipeline by December 31, 2013, and that actual construction of the Mackenzie Gas must begin no later than 2015. These time frames will help us ensure that the people and businesses of the Northwest Territories are prepared to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that this project and related activities the project will bring.

Now that the major socio-economic and environmental regulatory reviews for the Mackenzie Gas Project are finished, we are closer than ever before to bringing this project to life. For the past few years the Government of the Northwest Territories has made significant investments in preparing Northwest Territories residents and communities for the eventuality of the Mackenzie Gas Project. These investments have yielded tremendous results.

The Government of the Northwest Territories’ policies and positions in relation to the Mackenzie Gas Project during the Joint Review Panel and National Energy Board hearings were developed efficiently and effectively. Comprehensive information related to the Mackenzie Gas Project was consistently communicated to various audiences throughout the Northwest Territories and we have developed excellent relationships with all project stakeholders.

While we are happy with the progress made, we also acknowledge that a lot of work remains to be done on this project before a decision to construct can be made by the proponents.

From this point forward, the Government of the Northwest Territories will be working on the implementation of the commitments made and the joint government response to the Joint Review Panel report, responding to conditions provided by the National Energy Board and their reasons for decision, and preparing for the coordination and processing of the many permits that will be required prior to a decision to construct.

We need the economic support of the federal government and the project proponents to move this project forward and make it a reality. The Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to working with all parties to bring this vital project to the next level and we call on the federal government to join us in facilitating this nation-building project for Canada.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude my statement by emphasizing, once again, that the construction and operation of the Mackenzie Gas Project in an environmentally and socially responsible way will generate tremendous long-term benefits for the residents of the Northwest Territories and for Canada. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.