Debates of March 10, 2009 (day 26)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I am speaking in regards to income support cheque payments. The previous government dramatically changed the way income support was given, against the recommendation of most community governments and organizations. Furthermore, the previous government offered no support, notice or plans to help communities and residents deal with the changes.

Today Nunakput is dealing with the legacy of neglect and this government seems to endorse this legacy. Leaders and elders, support staff were all asking the government to re-evaluate the way cheques are given to recipients so bills can be made, people can put food on the table and the continued cycle of dependency can stop. Due to these challenges, people are getting deeper and deeper into arrears to the point where it becomes overwhelming.

Recently in Tuktoyaktuk, a family of four and a baby were evicted from their home. Now they can get no support because they don’t even have an address, Mr. Speaker. This government must help families with personal difficulties to end this cycle of dependency, but this government needs to go one step further to work with the local suppliers of grocery stores and to help the residents and the communities work out a system where the families can put food on the table, a program similar to food stamps.

Since these changes were made, the longer the government waits, the bigger the ticking bomb will get. We will need a true one-stop shop where people can deal with all their issues where payments and expenses can be resolved before the recipient receives a cheque. Getting the run around and the blame game when dealing with the government departments and financial problems in the communities can be exhausting. Communities in my riding especially need the government to be creative, proactive and realistic when dealing with the government income support payments, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, I will have more questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Jacobson. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.