Debates of October 29, 2009 (day 10)



Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Today I would like to talk about an access road for the community of Lutselk’e. The community has been asking for a road to Austin Lake for quite some time now. Having this road will allow the residents access to points of interest, recreation and tourist opportunities and much used traditional harvesting area.

Mr. Speaker, the government has had a few access road programs, but over the years these programs have undergone change in both its mandate and, more importantly, its budget allocations. Currently, the Department of Transportation has a Community Local Access Roads Program with just over $300,000 in the program. Three hundred thousand dollars to serve 33 communities works out to about $9,000 per community. What can communities access with that?

Mr. Speaker, here in the NWT many of our communities, like Lutselk’e, are isolated. Many rely on traditional basic economies such as hunting, trapping and fishing to put food on the table and generate much needed income. Doing this will also help them offset some of the high cost that comes with living in smaller, isolated communities. So it only makes sense, Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the communities, such as Lutselk’e, that we take another look at the Community Access Road Program and start making changes to the program or looking at introducing a new access program that can provide meaningful assistance to these communities so they can start accessing these important areas.

Austin Lake is one such area, Mr. Speaker. It is a rich renewable resource harvesting area. In addition, many hydro projects have been planned for Snowdrift River, which is just outside of Lutselk’e and about half way to Austin Lake. The road can be built to the many hydro stations from Lutselk’e to Snowdrift River to accommodate the transmission line. With the mini-hydro already underway, we are presented with a great opportunity to incorporate a collaborative effort to kick-start the Austin Lake project.

Mr. Speaker, as I talked about before in the House, it is very important that economic opportunities for Lutselk’e for a project such as this be considered.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to complete my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted.

Thank you, colleagues. Mr. Speaker, this project and the Austin Lake road project have tremendous opportunity to effect substantial changes for the community on many fronts. It’s not only an access road for the community, it’s an access road to community wellness. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. The honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Jacobson.