Debates of August 23, 2011 (day 16)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As we are all aware, there is a major proposed amendment to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and again the process seems to be driven from outside in, from the big boys in Ottawa. Again the legislation, regarding the drafting of legislation, was done by land claims organizations in the Northwest Territories along with the Government of the Northwest Territories and the federal government to come up with the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act made in the North, for the North, and designed for the North.

Just reviewing the information that I’ve had access to, I believe that the changes will very much undermine the intent of the drafting that took place, especially in the area of duty to consult, as we heard from a lot of small communities, whether it’s Trout Lake or the Aboriginal organizations not being consulted, especially when it comes to the changes and the developments that are taking place in northern Canada.

The duty to consult is clear. The Aboriginal consultation recommendation, under guidelines of the federal officials, fulfill duties to consult and recognize that there’s a need for policies that need to be working and also through regulatory boards in northern Canada to work with First Nations governments to ensure that takes place.

I think it’s important to realize that the Government of the Northwest Territories, who seem to be now in the driver’s seat, is now suggesting their own changes in regard to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act without even consulting Members on this side of the House on what those changes are going to be, more importantly how they will affect our constituents and the people of the Northwest Territories.

I believe that the Government of the Northwest Territories has to fulfill its obligation to consult, but more importantly, understand that we have rural and remote communities that don’t have the resources to fully participate in the regulatory systems in the Northwest Territories, and we have the right to accommodate, regardless through financial means or allowing them access to legal advisors and people that understand the legislation, and to ensure that their rights and communities are protected socially, economically, and culturally by these developments that are going to take place.

At the appropriate time I will be asking the Minister questions in regard to where the government is coming from on the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. The honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Jacobson.