Debates of August 23, 2011 (day 16)



Mr. Speaker, one of the key goals of the 16th Assembly is having a diversified economy that provides opportunities and choices for our residents. I believe this Assembly has made tangible progress toward that goal.

The past few years have been challenging. Our territory did not emerge unscathed from the global economic recession. However, we are recovering from the recession, and although our economy faces challenges, we know these challenges come with opportunities.

Through the life of the 16th Legislative Assembly, the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment promoted the development of mineral and energy resources, particularly through the work of the Northwest Territories geoscience office. Over the past four years, in partnership with Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), we provided over $6 million to better understand the Northwest Territories mineral and petroleum resources.

Projects emerged across the territory, which ensured residents reaped these benefits. We have also seen record sales of oil and gas parcels over the last four years.

Mineral development and exploration potential is high. Our diamond mines in the North Slave region continued to hire Northwest Territories residents and support Northwest Territories businesses, facilitated through socio-economic agreements with this government. Just yesterday the Government of the Northwest Territories and Canadian Zinc Corporation signed an agreement on the proposed

Prairie Creek mine that will ensure benefits of development go directly to the community level. We will continue to build Northwest Territories employment at the diamond mines through the Workforce Memorandum of Understanding.

Mr. Speaker, one of the most significant achievements of this government was the development of an updated Diamond Policy Framework. The update demonstrated this government’s efforts to build a sustainable diamond manufacturing industry, and we will continue to work to develop this industry.

Another major accomplishment is the progress made with the Mackenzie Gas Project. Earlier this year the National Energy Board issued a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. We will continue to engage with the federal government and the proponents to move this important project forward.

More than any other industry, tourism has the greatest potential for sustainable development in just about every area of the territory. The Government of the Northwest Territories has made significant investments to grow this industry during the past four years.

Our government wants all business sectors to flourish and has taken many steps to diversify our economy, support our small businesses, and assist residents and communities to become more sustainable.

Over the past four years the Government of the Northwest Territories has:

introduced the Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development (SEED). Interest in the policy continues to increase and this year ITI provided $3.6 million in SEED policy contributions.

approved $100,000 in dedicated annual funding for the Northwest Territories film industry.

raised the profile of Northwest Territories art and artists at Canada’s Northern House at the Vancouver Olympics.

helped to increase local employment and provided support to small businesses through annual support for community economic development officers and Community Futures development corporations.

launched BizPal in Fort Smith, Hay River, and Fort Simpson. This on-line service provides entrepreneurs with one-stop access to the information they need to start or expand their businesses.

ensured the traditional economy stayed strong in our smaller northern communities by doubling our contribution for the Community Harvesters Assistance Program.

expanded the Take a Kid Trapping program due in large part to the support of this government, elders, educators, and Government of the Northwest Territories staff. Over 10,000 youth have enrolled in the program since it began.

increased fur sales and supported over 700 Northwest Territories trappers a year through the Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program. During the past five years trappers have garnered an impressive $5 million in sales.

dedicated additional programming and funding to develop community gardens, agriculture infrastructure, and support the harvesting, processing, and marketing of locally produced fish and meat in the Northwest Territories.

launched a successful awareness campaign in 2010 to promote the Northwest Territories as a place to live and work. “Come Make Your Mark” is still running in partnership with 77 businesses in the private sector.

Mr. Speaker, I am confident the investments made over the course of this government have diversified our economy, provided our residents with opportunities and choices, and helped build sustainable, vibrant communities consistent with the plans of the Government of the Northwest Territories and this Assembly.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister responsible for Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.