Debates of February 22, 2011 (day 44)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to speak today about the Department of MACA and the deal for 36,000 acres of land coming from the block land transfer in Norman Wells. Mr. Speaker, in my statement today my questions regarding the disposal of the 36,000 acres has nothing to do with the aspirations of the Norman Wells Land Corporation, and I wish them all well in their pursuits. What my questions are intended to do is find out what the rules of engagement are for MACA when it comes to disposing of Commissioner’s land. What happened in this deal and how it happened are important for all other communities around the Northwest Territories to know and to understand.

First off, the exchange I had with Minister R.C. McLeod a few weeks back and the media reports would indicate that the 36,000 acres were sold, but in reviewing the documents it would appear the deal was a lease. Subsection 3.(3) of the Commissioner’s Land Act states that no Commissioner’s land shall be sold until the duly approved plan of survey of the land has been filed in the land titles office for the registration district in which the land is located. Section 17 of the CLA also states that payment for Commissioner’s land must be paid in full or requires a 20 percent down payment.

I would have to question whether the transfer is in keeping with Section 3 and Section 9 of the regulations, which require that the land be no larger in area than is reasonable for the purpose for which the land is required and that the sale or lease is fair and equitable and in accordance with public interest. Mr. Speaker, there is also the principle of discouraging speculation in the land pricing policy. Given the minimal information provided in the application, it is hard to understand how MACA could have determined whether the amount of land is reasonable. The Town of Norman Wells’ interest in the land for future growth, possible road for access to Bosworth Creek as a water source and the availability of lots within the municipality, it becomes absolutely questionable whether public interest was given adequate consideration. The vagueness of the application’s stated purpose for acquiring the land and general references to economic potential also raises the question of market speculation.

Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Minister of MACA at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Krutko.