Debates of February 21, 2011 (day 43)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are directed to the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment regarding the Minister responsible for BIP and also under the negotiating contracting guidelines. Part of the guidelines requires that there be an annual reporting of these contracts. I’d like to ask the Minister if his department has worked with the contracting departments to ensure we’re complying with the negotiating contracting guidelines and ensuring that those reports are done annually.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. The honourable Minister responsible for Industry, Tourism and Investment, Mr. Bob McLeod.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Department of Executive is responsible for negotiating contract guidelines and for reporting on negotiated contracts.

It was my understanding that the Department of ITI is responsible for implementing the guidelines to ensure that the completion of those reports are filed and done on a quarterly or annual basis as part of the contracts that are let by way of negotiated contracts. Can the Minister assure me that those reports will be available to myself and anyone who requires them?

We prepare an annual report of contracts over $5,000, and I would be quite pleased to present that report to the Member. Thank you.

Maybe I can ask the Minister if he can check in regard to the negotiating contracting guidelines that clearly stipulates that there has to be annual reporting on those contracts on each additional year in regard to the type of employment, the number of northern hires, training, and also ensuring that the commitments made in those contracts, the negotiated contracts, are fulfilled. I’d just like to ask the Minister if he can check in his department under the guidelines to ensure that the guidelines are being followed. Thank you.

The negotiated contract guidelines require that for every negotiated contract, the department issuing the negotiated contract is to file a report as to exactly the benefits the employment created, and that is filed with Cabinet. I will check for the Member to see if a list of negotiated contracts are put in a report and filed, and if they are, I will make sure that the Member gets a copy. Thank you.