Debates of February 1, 2010 (day 19)

16th Assembly, 4th Session
Members Present
Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Bromley, Hon. Paul Delorey, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Krutko, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Sandy Lee, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Michael McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Ramsay, Hon. Floyd Roland, Mr. Yakeleya


Mr. Speaker, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment assumed responsibility for administration of the Public Housing Rental Subsidy on April 1, 2006. Leading into the transfer, some specific goals were put in place for improvements to the program in the overall context of the income security framework.

A lot of hard work has been undertaken and we have met with some success. We are pleased to report that Education, Culture and Employment has strengthened the Public Housing Rental Subsidy Program over the past four years and have developed new tools including a policy and procedures manual, forms, training material, an electronic information system, and overall monitoring and reporting procedures. The department has also implemented an appeal process for clients who do not agree with the outcomes of their assessments. These new and improved policies and processes make the program more effective and efficient from an accountability perspective and also ensure that clients are treated fairly and equitably across the Northwest Territories.

During this time, much emphasis was put on maintaining the dignity of income security clients and increasing support for people to make productive choices to enable them to have a better quality of life. Mr. Speaker, at all times, we deliver income security programs with a client-focused perspective and it was with this vision that the PHRS was merged into the basket of programs available to help our residents. The one-stop shop for subsidies also meant a number of clients could access information on benefits other than the Public Housing Rental Subsidy in one location.

While the goals we set were achieved, in undertaking this work we also discovered ramifications that were not immediately apparent.

Mr. Speaker, for instance, although we much improved service to our income security clients, those clients who only required the Public Housing Rental Subsidy became disconnected from the local housing organizations. Over time, it emerged that this disconnect was not helpful to those clients and concerns have been expressed that their dignity was compromised.

Since the transfer occurred, Education, Culture and Employment and the Housing Corporation, including local housing organizations, have worked diligently and cooperatively in a strong effort to resolve issues and make improvements around the service of providing subsidies to public housing tenants through the Public Housing Rental Subsidy Program. In addition, the government undertook a review of the administration of the program. The findings of the review are being examined by an interdepartmental steering committee.

Mr. Speaker, we have all but concluded this work and we have reached a decision regarding the future administration of the Public Housing Rental Subsidy Program. The responsibility of the program will return to the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation to be delivered by local housing organizations.

We all agree that the good work that Education, Culture and Employment has accomplished over the past years will be built upon by the NWT Housing Corporation and the local housing organizations to produce an even greater process, still with a strong client focus, that will better serve the people of the Northwest Territories. We must continue our work together to help people move ahead in their lives and support those with the greatest need.

Education, Culture and Employment and the NWT Housing Corporation will work closely together over the coming months to provide for a seamless transition. We will be sharing an ongoing rollout and communications plan with Members over the coming weeks and months.

Mr. Speaker, we would like to thank Members for their advice and guidance during this time. It is only through honest collaboration, such as this, that we can continue to make system improvements to the benefit of our people in the North. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Minister of Transportation, Mr. Michael McLeod.