Debates of January 29, 2010 (day 18)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this morning I was thinking about the issue of the caribou and how important that issue is going to be in the coming months or days in terms of our relationship, this government’s relationship with the aboriginal governments down the Mackenzie Valley. Mr. Speaker, this type of issue has been heard in court, decisions have been made across Canada. There are several cases that can be cited in terms of aboriginal rights to hunt, fish and trap; treaty rights to hunt, fish and trap. Even the Constitution of 1982 has affirmed the aboriginal rights in terms of their way of life.

Mr. Speaker, we even had a court case here about a duck, a famous duck that was shot out of season. We had another issue on hunting caribou in the corridor here in Yellowknife was heard in terms of these type of issues that have a direct impact on an aboriginal nation, people who demonstrate and practice their way of life.

Mr. Speaker, I, for one, wanted to look at this issue. I have not yet concluded my assessment, but I believe that this process here will be a legal process. I believe that our legal beagles around the Northwest Territories and probably Canada have started doing some research as to what rights have been infringed upon, what rights have been violated. Has there been a process of consultation by this government with the affected parties in terms of this issue of banning specific hunts in specific areas in the Northwest Territories?

I believe that politics has greatly played into it, Mr. Speaker. When we heard it in the communities in terms of the interpretation of consultation and telling a nation of people that that is something they aren’t able to do, that doesn’t sit right with a lot of people in the communities.

Mr. Speaker, I believe that issue will have a great impact on our future relationships with aboriginal governments in terms of going forward as a nation on resource development and devolution. I believe we really need to do our work on how we protect our people, but at the same time work with them. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Menicoche.