Debates of November 29, 2007 (day 5)
Member’s Statement On Black Mould Problems In Paulatuk Housing Units
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, back in October, my first speech concentrated on the issues that I heard during my campaign in the community of Paulatuk. Residents are very concerned with the fact that many public housing units are infested with black mould. Mr. Speaker, we all know there’s enough health problems associated with overcrowding in public housing. Units that have the presence of black mould will just compound these issues and the problems.
The children and the elders in particular are at risk as they are more likely to be unable to fight the infections. I have heard that black mould may be caused by design flaws or by contractors using shoddy construction practices in building the Housing Corporation housing packages. If this is the case, our government has a responsibility to deal with the issue quickly. It is not acceptable to do a study or to spend the next time trying to decide the party.
I’m not here to point any fingers and blame anybody, Mr. Speaker. The issue needs to be dealt with as soon as possible to protect my people of Paulatuk. Mr. Speaker, the first question I asked the Premier on October 19th were the actions the government planned to take addressing the black mould issue in Paulatuk. He assured me that the NWT Housing Corporation would look into the problem.
I will be following up with that commitment with the Minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation at the appropriate time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.