Debates of October 20, 2020 (day 40)


Question 385-19(2): Protocols around Contact Tracing

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services. Do you think that it is acceptable to notify a business moments before that they are part of a public health notification? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Great Slave. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I do not have an opinion on that. There is protocol that is followed. Thank you.

Since we are not actually able to question the CPHO in this House and you are the department that is responsible for that, perhaps you could inform us of a way that we could go about getting answers to our questions? As well, I would also like to know how you interact with the CPHO to keep yourself informed.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Great Slave. Please direct your questions through me in the future. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you. Myself, the Premier, and the Finance Minister meet with the CPHO weekly, and her staff, and we bring forward our questions, she brings forward hers. The CPHO historically, before your time, was invited by AOC to brief the committee on questions related to COVID, so maybe you want to speak to your committee about inviting her again.

I will. Could I ask if the Minister spent the weekend being informed and briefed by the CPHO?

I am not sure of the relevance of that question. The answer is no, I didn't spend the weekend being briefed by the CPHO. That doesn't mean I wasn't briefed by other people, but I don't feel like that is something that I need to discuss in detail here.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Final supplementary. Member for Great Slave.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'll clarify. I was asking because the Minister was unaware of the protocols that have been followed. As the previous Minister, that would have been the first questions I asked. Thank you.

Just to reiterate, the protocols were followed to the best of my knowledge. The CPHO has a standard practice with public advisories, contact tracing, testing, and so on. To the best of my knowledge, the acting deputy CPHO was taking care of business with respect to the presumptive cases. Thank you.