Debates of October 27, 2020 (day 43)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. Norn, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek

Question 406-19(2): Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action regarding Treatment Centres

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] I spoke about the addiction treatment centre. We understand that there is a new treatment centre happening in Nunavut. [Translation ends] [Microphone turned off]… be that way. I refer again to the funding partnership the territory has secured with Ottawa. It's for $75 million treatment centre in Iqaluit. It comes in the wake of Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations. Mr. Speaker, what has our government, the Government of the Northwest Territories, done to follow up on that call to action number 20 of the TRC. Number 20 called for new treatment centres, more specifically for Nunavut and Northwest Territories. Where is our new addiction treatment centre? Masi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Monfwi. Honourable Premier.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, because it's on addictions, I'll transfer it to the Minister of Health and Social Services. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Honourable Premier. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you to the Member for Monfwi for his question. I think one of the first things to sort out is what is a healing centre and what is an addictions treatment centre. I'm not confident that they are the same thing. Not everybody who needs healing is an addict who needs to go through the process of detox and a 28-day program and the aftercare and so on. I think the discussion needs to be broader. What is it that we want this centre to do? The Truth and Reconciliation Commission sees it specifically as a healing centre and commits the federal money for that purpose. We're very interested in seeing what happens in Nunavut with their healing centre, what kind of lessons we can learn and apply here in the NWT. Thank you.

Since truth and reconciliation, 94 recommendations came out. More specifically on number 20 and 21, it's been well over five years. This government should have been prepared. When the first TRC came out what were the plans in place? I'd like to know from either the Premier or Minister of Health and Social Services what partnerships has this government explored with the federal government to follow up on the call to action number 20? What have we learned from our neighbour Nunavut's very successful federal engagement in pursuant of their new treatment centre for their territory?

I'd like to defer this to the Minister of Health and Social Services.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's my understanding that Nunavut, with a more homogeneous population, put together a proposal and requested federal funding. That's not the stage that I understand that we're at here. I'm not aware that this government ever says no to federal money, but I've never seen a proposal for this healing centre. I'm not clear where things are at. I want to say that there is no reason that the GNWT alone needs to take the lead on this. Indigenous governments and Indigenous government organizations could band together to create a proposal and work with the GNWT on that or not work with the GNWT on that. It's not only up to the GNWT to make this happen. There has to be engagement and leadership from Indigenous governments. Thank you.

Minister alluded to a proposal. She's waiting on the proposal. We need to be proactive as the GNWT to engage with the federal government, similar to Nunavut. Nunavut's been proactive, and here we are. Are we going to be missing out on almost $75 million from the federal government? I'm dismayed. I'm disappointed that we're at this stage after almost five years. TRC recommendation came out and here we are still talking. We should be putting those into actions. I have a question on the Nunavut's ability to, I guess, secure the funding. How is it that Nunavut was able to secure $50 million in federal funding for an addiction treatment centre and we weren't? Without delay we should be approaching Ottawa for the same funding.

I have no detailed information about how Nunavut created a plan to get the federal government to provide money for a healing centre in Nunavut. I certainly could find that out. I want to reiterate that it does not have to be up to the GNWT. Indigenous governments and Indigenous government organizations could band together to write a proposal for federal funding for a healing centre and to have some focus around what kind of services they want in that centre and where the centre will be located.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Final supplementary, Member for Monfwi.

Masi, Mr. Speaker. When we ask questions to Ministers or Premiers, I guess the longer the answers, the more questions it creates for us, so I have some more questions here. Mr. Speaker, there are best practices already in place with Nunavut, over five years now. Obviously, our territorial government should be working very closely with Nunavut to gather that information. I am very surprised and shocked that our current Department of Health and Social Services does not have that information at hand. Passing on the buck does not sit well with me. We are representing the GNWT here, so I have a question to either the Premier or the Minister. Would the Premier or Minister provide us with an itemized response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 calls to action, including progress made on each, especially on calls to action numbers 20 and 21? Masi.

What's truly surprising and shocking is that this issue did not come out during our mandate priority setting exercise, not a word about an addictions or healing centre at that time. The TRC recommendations are directed to the federal government. I understand that there is a role for all of us to play in telling the government what it is we want them to fund, so that is certainly work that could take place. Just to remind the Member for Monfwi, I have been the health Minister for eight weeks, and I have learned a tremendous amount. I have not had the opportunity yet to learn about the Nunavut healing centre. I am prepared to do that and return to him with information. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Oral questions. Member for Deh Cho.