Debates of June 1, 2021 (day 77)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek


Ministers' Statements

Minister's Statement 163-19(2): Building Capacity with Indigenous Governments

Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to strengthening relationships with governments. We are also committed to providing opportunities to create a more diverse, inclusive, and representative public service.

Today, I am pleased to announce that the Department of Finance is launching Building Capacity with Indigenous Governments, a new program to support up to ten twoway secondment arrangements between the GNWT and Indigenous governments each year.

The program will support the secondment of employees between governments for immersive experiences about how our respective governments operate.

Mr. Speaker, this program was developed collaboratively. Representatives from the Department of Finance worked with officials from Indigenous governments over a series of engagement sessions to learn more about the unique needs of their organizations, including human resources.

[English translation not available]

At its full potential, the program will provide opportunities for more direct exchanges of ideas, deepen relationships, and build greater trust and understanding as partners.

Mr. Speaker, we look forward to building on our relationships with Indigenous governments and learning from their experiences as this program progresses. I would like to express my gratitude for the collaboration in developing this program and look forward to reporting on the success of this program as it advances. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Ministers' statements. Minister responsible for Health and Social Services.

Minister's Statement 164-19(2): National AccessAbility Week and Persons with Disabilities Accessibility and Inclusion Awards

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, many NWT residents are living with some form of disability. They are our neighbors, coworkers, family members, leaders, and friends. We are grateful for the contributions that persons with disabilities make in the territory. For this reason, we continue to advance work to ensure all residents are able to participate fully in all communities, without barriers.

National AccessAbility Week runs until June 5th this year. It is the week where we celebrate the contributions of persons with disabilities and recognize the important work being done to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion in all communities.

Mr. Speaker, this year's theme in the NWT is Inclusion and AccessAbility; Nothing About Us Without Us!

What does this mean for us as a territory or as individuals? It means it is the responsibility of each of us to work with, and include people who have disabilities, to ensure equal access to all the rights and freedoms each member of our society enjoys.

Working in partnership with multiple GNWT departments, the Department of Health and Social Services is currently fulfilling the objectives outlined in the NWT Disability Strategic Framework. The shared vision is to increase financial security and reduce poverty; to build awareness and knowledge through education and training; to improve transition planning and options; to encourage universal design and living options, and to improve access to and the quality of caregiver supports.

This is a significant undertaking, Mr. Speaker, and one that requires thoughtful insight into how best to create inclusiveness within the public realm, while also providing individual supports that assist in creating a foundation for success for persons with disabilities. For that reason, we just put out a call to hear directly from people with lived experience by creating an NWT Supported Living Review Advisory Group.

This group will be comprised of six to ten members of the public who either have a disability or who is the caregiver of a person with a disability. It will give NWT residents a voice to provide knowledge and advice during the review of our Supported Living services for persons with disabilities. This is an important step toward the government embracing the “nothing about us without us” approach that is so important to residents.

Mr. Speaker, while we as a government continue to work hard to achieve accessibility for all NWT residents, we also rely on others to provide assistance for persons with disabilities.

Every year, we have an award ceremony to recognize NWT individuals and organizations who contribute to making the lives of persons with disabilities more accessible and inclusive. At this year’s Persons with Disabilities Accessibility and Inclusion Awards event, I will present awards as the Minister responsible for Persons with Disabilities, along with representatives from the NWT Human Rights Commission and the NWT Disabilities Council.

Due to COVID restrictions, this event is being presented in the form of a video which will be made available on June 4th on the Department of Health and Social Services website, as well as on social media.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate this year’s award recipients.

Laurie McLean of Yellowknife is the recipient of the Minister’s award for Accessibility and Inclusion. Samantha Morandin of Yellowknife is the recipient of the NWT Disabilities Council Community Champion Award. And the Zhati Koe Friendship Centre in Fort Providence is the recipient of the Human Rights Commission Accessibility Award.

These individuals are all deserving recipients. They have shown a true inclusive community spirit and their impactful work removes barriers for persons with disabilities in our communities.

Mr. Speaker, we all have roles to play in promoting inclusion and accessibility for every member of society and the government will continue to take meaningful steps toward a vision of equity, accessibility, and participation for persons with disabilities in the NWT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Ministers' statements. Minister responsible for Municipal and Community Affairs.

Minister's Statement 165-19(2): Municipal and Community Affairs Youth Initiatives 

Mr. Speaker, the youth of today are the strong, future leaders of tomorrow. Through initiatives like the NWT Youth Ambassador program, youth are provided opportunities to develop life and job skills while building the confidence to deal with complex issues.

I am pleased to inform the House today that the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is now accepting applications for the 20212022 NWT Youth Ambassador Program – Virtual Edition for youth ages 16 to 22.

The NWT Youth Ambassador Program is being offered virtually for the first time to fill the gap that the cancellation of major games events has created. By offering the NWT Youth Ambassador Program virtually, MACA is hoping to reach a broader group of youth and still provide valuable learning experiences while being safe and eliminating travel.

Mr. Speaker, elements of the program include online learning modules that focus on leadership and life skills. These modules include: Goal Setting; Healthy Eating and Nutrition; Resume Building with the NWT Career Centres; Learning Leadership Skills with Rec North; and Getting to Know Your Community with Rec North. In addition the program includes facilitated volunteer projects within each participant’s home community, and the program is open to youth from all communities.

Mr. Speaker, the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs also has additional programs that can assist with youth initiatives whether they are led by youth or youth supporting organizations.

I would like to highlight a few Youth Corp Projects MACA is supporting this summer. Organizations in the Deh Cho, Sahtu, North Slave, and South Slave will be participating in wilderness canoe trips designed for youth to explore and develop leadership skills in a safe environment. These trips are following the successful pilot project in the Deh Cho, where it is provided for youth with a strong foundation in wilderness and canoeing safety and skills for ontheland trips.

FOXY/SMASH are a new and supported staple for youth programming across the Northwest Territories. Their Peer Leader Retreats use visual arts, traditional beading, traditional ceremonies, photography, digital storytelling, Northern games, and performing arts to educate and facilitate discussion about sexual and mental health, healthy relationships, and positive choices through a harm reduction through a traumainformed lens.

Northern Youth Leadership works to empower and inspire a generation of courageous leaders. Their camps have many positive outcomes including inspiring confidence, supporting youth to engage in positive risktaking, cultivating independence, building emotional resilience, developing leadership skills, promoting environmental stewardship, and instilling healthy relationship and lifestyle behaviors. They are currently accepting applications for their summer camps.

Mr. Speaker, I encourage youth and youth organizations to reach out to any Municipal and Community Affairs Office for more information on the opportunities available. Together we can lift youth up and create opportunities for our future leaders. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Ministers' statements. Minister responsible for Infrastructure.

Minister's Statement 166-19(2): Summer Highway Construction Season

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Our territorial economy has suffered the impact of COVID19 like every other jurisdiction in the country. Bouncing back stronger means investing in areas that provide for the immediate participation of our communities and maximizing benefits for our residents. Investments and improvements in transportation infrastructure is one of the areas we know can have positive impacts on our economy. These investments connect our communities and ensure access to essential goods and services.

Regular maintenance of the Northwest Territories highway system creates the safest possible driving conditions, increases our territory’s resiliency to climate change, and creates employment and training opportunities for residents.

Mr. Speaker, we can expect another busy construction season this summer. In fact, a total of $110 million in improvements will be made to our highway systems this year.

In the South Slave Region, rehabilitation work is planned for Highway No. 1 on 18 kilometers of highway. This work will include highway widening, replacing culverts and replacing chip seal. This will be part of a multiyear project, with work expected to be completed by September 2023.

On Highway No. 5, work is currently underway to repair chip seal surface on a 6kilometer section of the highway, which will be followed by a granular crushing program this summer.

In the North Slave, Mr. Speaker, crews have already resumed work on the Tlicho Highway. Construction is on schedule to be completed this fall with 52 kilometers left to be surfaced, one last bridge to be completed. This twolane gravel highway will provide yearround access from Northwest Territories Highway No. 3 to the community access road to Whati. This year 168 kilometers of Highway No. 3 will be chip sealed and two kilometers of rehabilitation work will take place. This work will include rightofway clearing, roadway strengthening, culvert replacement, and line painting, and is to be expected to be completed this fall. Residents will see construction zone signs along the highway where crews will be resurfacing the road, stockpiling materials, and conducting asphalt and chip seal repairs.

On Highway No. 4, the Ingraham Trail, roughly 5 kilometers will be rehabilitated. Work will include repair dips, widening the embankment, replacing culverts and chip sealing.

On Highway No. 6, the Fort Resolution Highway, chip sealing will be carried out roughly 20 kilometers.

In the Deh Cho Region, rehabilitation work will take place this summer on Highway No. 7, the Liard Highway. Crews will focus on widening the embankment and replacing culverts. This work is expected to be completed in September 2023.

Mr. Speaker, in our area, in the Beaufort Delta Region, some construction will take place on Highway No. 8, the Dempster Highway. The rehabilitation work including embankment, widening, and brush clearing will take place along three to four kilometers along the highway. Additionally, the marine bypass highway widening will also take place along the 3kilometer highway.

As temperatures rise and construction season begins, I would like to thank dozens of dedicated workers who are maintaining and improving our highways every day. Your work is essential in the North. I would also like to remind drivers to watch for highway crews, slow down in construction zones and obey signs. I want all our Infrastructure employees and our contractor employees to return home safe to their families.

Mr. Speaker, the government will continue to work closely with our public and private sector so we can continue to build a transportation network that meets the current needs of our citizens and the needs of generations to come. Quyananni, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statements

Member's Statement on Funding of the Hay River Ski Club

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Hay River Ski Club has been receiving financial support from the Hay River lottery terminals for the past 30 years. For the last five years, the Hay River Ski Club's share has been $33,655 annually. This funding is vital to the club. The maintenance and operation of the current facility is the sole financial responsibility of the Hay River Ski Club, which is operated entirely by a group of volunteers using proceeds from the lottery fund.

Mr. Speaker, this funding came through the Legacy Retailer Grant Program Agreement that was in place with NWT Sport and Recreation Council from 2016 to 2021. What started as a change to address a potential tax liability issue in 2014 and now, with government involvement, has caused a situation where the club will lose 100 percent of their operating grant that has been provided through lottery proceeds collected in Hay River. With this agreement now expiring and, going forward, if the Hay River Ski Club is expected to survive they will require continued and ongoing funding.

Mr. Speaker, thanks to the dedicated executive, board of directors, and volunteers, they were able to successfully host many different events, including learn to ski lessons, waxing clinics, social ski and snowshoeing, educational programs, Pat Bobinski memorial ski races, Biathlon Polar Cup, Arctic Winter Games trials and Arctic Winter Games events.

Mr. Speaker, the group of volunteers were able to reopen all of their trail system for the first time in several years. This included the Brendan Green Olympic Trail. Yes, the Hay River Ski Club helped develop an Olympian, something that must not be lost in all this. This system includes 15 kilometers of groomed trails of which seven are lit and opened at the end of October to midApril. This past winter, the Hay River Ski Club had approximately 260 members on top of youth programs in biathlon, Jackrabbits, and Ski Bunnies. 

There has been a significant growth in membership, which includes many youth and families. The GNWT promotes a healthy lifestyle for children and NWT residents. The Hay River Ski Club, on a limited budget, which may now disappear, is trying to support that ideal.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Unanimous consent granted.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the government would be remiss not to support an opportunity to promote sports and healthy lifestyles, of not only Hay River youth and residents, but those residents from around the NWT who continue to benefit from trails and programs managed by a volunteer board and workers of the Hay River Ski Club.

Mr. Speaker, if this government truly wants to support the mental and physical wellbeing of our youth, then it is important we find the funds to support the Hay River Ski Club this year and into the future. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Hay River South. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife North.

Member's Statement on Concerns with the Office of the Fire Marshal

Mr. Speaker, the Office of the Fire Marshal, where dreams go to die. Whether you or the GNWT's building a health centre for your patients in Norman Wells or you're the North Slave Correctional Centre who built a beautiful healing room that the fire marshal won't let them use or you're an Indigenous government trying to open a remote lodge in your newly established protected area or you're simply a private business trying to sink your hardcapital to retrofit a building up to code, the Office of the Fire Marshall is sure to make your life difficult, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, we are the only jurisdiction in Canada without a Building Standards Act. And after decades of MACA reviewing the Fire Prevention Act, I'm not confident we're going to end up with a Building Standards Act. But in the interim, Mr. Speaker, there are some things we can do to improve the Office of the Fire Marshal. I understand that code compliance has to be arm's length. We need experts to make decisions on the National Building Code. They need discretion when to apply the code to more stringent standards or to make exceptions for the old decrepitating infrastructure we have in the North and issue occupancy permits. But that discretion does not mean the process has to be unpredictable and lack transparency.

Mr. Speaker, there are things the Minister can do to tomorrow to make sure the GNWT stops taking itself to court. Firstly, Mr. Speaker, customer service standards for the Office of the Fire Marshal to make sure they respond to their emails on a timely manner.

Mr. Speaker, previously, the Office of the Fire Marshal had a number of bulletins on the different interpretations of the National Building Code that they will take. Not only did they stop issuing bulletins, they removed all the old bulletins. Jurisdictions across Canada tell you the different interpretations they will take of the National Building Code. Many have annotated National Building Codes which are great and excited to have documents to work with that provide everyone in the process predictability.

Mr. Speaker, for years people have been asking for an appeal mechanism to an independent tribunal. Right now, those Ministers, if made at a lower level, go to the Office of the Fire Marshal or the Minister. We need an independent panel of experts to review National Building Code things.

Mr. Speaker, the Office of the Fire Marshal, for whatever reason, does not like to work in draft construction documents, yet this is good enough for the architects, the contractors, the gas inspectors, the building inspectors, who are all involved in project management from the start. But it's too much to ask the Office of the Fire Marshal to look at a fire evacuation plan until the building is already standing.

Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Minister about what we can do to get the Office of the Fire Marshal to serve the public. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Yellowknife North. Members' statements. Member for Thebacha.

Member's Statement on Fort Smith Education Infrastructure

Mr. Speaker, Fort Smith is home to the oldest school infrastructure in the NWT. Both Joseph Burr Tyrrell elementary and the PWK high school are each over 60 years old. JBT was built in 1958 and PWK was built in 1956, making them 63 and 65 years old respectively.

Mr. Speaker, I spoke with various community members, including residential school survivors, elders, teachers, parents, and students about the condition and health of JBT and of PWK high school. Overall, the sentiment is that both schools are quite old and require constant maintenance to address routine issues such as ventilation, mold, and asbestos, and even a yearly insect pest problem for one school.

Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, I acquired a document not long ago titled "NWT Schools Capital Needs Assessment Summary", dated April 22, 2003. It lists all schools in the South Slave Region, their construction year, their last year of major renovations, and the year each building should be reviewed to determine if further renovations are worthwhile or if a replacement building will be necessary.

In addition, one notable fact about both of these schools is that at one time for many years, they were both used as an Indian residential school. JBT served both Grandin College and Grandin Hall students of that residential school. This facility was operated by the Roman Catholic church. When Grandin College closed, the government transitioned one of the Grandin College resident buildings into the PWK High School.

Mr. Speaker, according to information from Historica Canada, there are only nine residential school buildings that remain standing in Canada, and Fort Smith is home to two of them, and both are still in active use. This is a unique situation, especially since both buildings have continued to operate as modern schools for our community. This presents a number of challenges. Besides the ongoing maintenance issues and increasing age for both buildings, there is obviously the historical legacy of residential school that still lingers as well.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Unanimous consent granted.

Mr. Speaker, numerous people have told me over the years that it can be hard sometimes to enter or even go in these buildings because it is a constant reminder, living reminder, of the personal and intergenerational trauma from residential schools. Educators have tried their best to make JBT and PWK as welcoming as they can but no matter how hard they try, they can never change the feeling and the trauma that is associated with these buildings.

Lastly, Mr. Speaker, for these reasons, I am asking our government to help Fort Smith construct two new schools, help Fort Smith turn the page and end the chapter of this historical legacy that we see and carry every day. Our children deserve it. Our community deserves it. I will have questions for the Minister of Education later today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Thebatcha. Members' statements. Member for Nunakput.

Member's Statement on Arctic Council

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I am bringing up Arctic Council. A few weeks ago, the Arctic Council passed the torch, I guess, from Iceland to Russia. It was planned rotation each country spends two years to chair before passing it along. But what makes it concerning that is Russia's increasing aggressive towards its northern neighbours. The Russian foreign minister was quoted, Mr. Speaker, as saying that all resources under the Arctic belongs to Russia. They've claimed the entire Arctic sea bed.

Russia has been investing heavily in the Arctic, both in industrial military facilities and backup to back up its claim. They've also been clamping down on their Indigenous people. Some Indigenous leaders have been living in exile. Other Indigenous organizations have declared foreign agents, Mr. Speaker, in their our own land. That's not right.

This government now is responsible for chairing the Arctic Council, the forum meant to our vote, cooperation, coordination, interaction among the Arctic states and Arctic Indigenous peoples.

Mr. Speaker, my region is the front lines of the Arctic in this conflict. Canada has to step up, Mr. Speaker. Our economy has, for a long time, been up and down with the oil and gas industry, since the '80s  '70s, '80s, '90s, which Canada is putting a ban on our offshore, and I'm hoping that gets lifted so the oil and gas development, we could start working towards it with Indigenous governments to start extracting our  doing something in trying to get our Arctic oil and gas into market. Our own resources, offshore resources, are going to the Russians.

Mr. Speaker, we have to invest. Our government has to take the lead on this. Getting Canada to invest into the North on the Western Arctic port, invest in the Arctic heavily.

Mr. Speaker, we did that investment, investing in our people, investing in for what we have as our natural resources, as oil and gas, we sure wouldn't be going to Ottawa looking for handouts. We'd be able to take care of ourselves. So, Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Premier at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Nunakput. Members' statements. Member for Frame Lake.

Member's Statement on Evaluation of Energy Investments 

Mahsi, Monsieur le President. We don't have to look far to see the mounting impacts to climate change. Extreme events such as high water levels, sea ice disappearing at unprecedented rates and new species arriving in the NWT, like magpies and cougars, are all signs of the need to change the way we use energy. The latest modelling shows that to prevent the worst climate effects, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

It's not clear how our government is evaluating our investments in energy projects. The Social Environmental Justice Organizational Alternatives North recently released a study: "Evaluating NWT's Renewable Energy Technologies". The report asks the three central questions for evaluating energy projects and emission reductions. Which source of emissions should we act to cut first? Well, greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production get a lot of airtime. This source is only five percent of NWT emissions. Adding in communitybased heating and transportation emissions still only totals 25 percent of our emissions.

The biggest source of NWT emissions is resource extraction and transportation outside of communities, accounting for 75 percent of total emissions. That's where we may need to start.

What technologies to select? We can't be banking on technologies of tomorrow or projects without funding that will take years to construct, if ever. The crisis today is to avert an emergency tomorrow. We need technologies and options that are ready to go now, such as reasonable diesel and biomass.

How do we choose where to get the biggest impact for the dollars spent? We must evaluate the basis of lifecycle cost per ton of emissions saved. Each stage in the instroduction use and disposal of a technology comes with a cost. Options that use less funding to achieve greater lifecycle reductions are where to put our money. I'll have questions for the Minister of Infrastructure on how our government is evaluating energy investments and emission reductions. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Frame Lake. Members' statements. Member for Kam Lake.

Member's Statement on Doula Services and the Northern Birthwork Collective

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this past budget session, regular Members negotiated $600,000 to implement phase 2 of the NWT Midwifery Program. While the GNWT works to expand safe options for communitybased birth, it's important that this government also consider how to expand culturallysafe traumainformed family supports. Healing our territory and supporting the health and safety of Northerners starts before a baby is born, and for some, it starts with a doula.

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support through significant reproductive experiences, like childbirth, miscarriage, induced abortion, or stillbirth. In their most common capacity, they're a source of calm support, information, advocacy to the parent during, before, and after birth.

Mr. Speaker, in the NWT, many Northerners still leave their home communities to give birth. This creates a break in consistent care and takes people outside of culture, tradition, and support networks for childbirth, potentially amplifying the trauma carried by many Northerners. In June 2020, NWT Birth Work Collective acknowledged the potential harm of the health care system to queer and racialized people. The collective formed a plan to support the power of culturallysafe and traumainformed birth in the NWT. Today is a focus on training and creating space for Indigenous doulas in all NWT communities. But a doula isn't exclusive to the birthing process. In the NWT, where almost 100 percent of children in the care of Child and Family Services are Indigenous, doulas serve as a tool for prevention right from the start. Trusting the same system that apprehends children to offer culturally safe healthcare and support is a big ask, Mr. Speaker.

Today, a handful of NWT communities have doula services. And to expand the NWT's doula network, this service needs the support, recognition, and value of the GNWT. Health supports and advocacy cannot be a service reserved for those with disposable income.

The First Nations Authority in BC, the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, and the BC Ministry of Health currently work together to provide $1,000 grants for doula services for Indigenous families living in BC.

Mr. Speaker, it crucial this government continues to increase healing spaces for Northerners and tools that help keep families together. Doulas connect people, tradition, information, power, and safety. Supporting doula acknowledges our history by supporting independent safe spaces for NWT families. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Kam Lake. Members' statements. Member for Great Slave.

Member's Statement on Government of the Northwest Territories Response to Spring Flooding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on Friday I spoke about risk aversion and the lack of planning that seems to be the hallmark of this Cabinet. Nothing speaks more to this than the flooding situation in the Deh Cho. As early as November, we were told this would be another exceptional year for water levels in November. But what I have seen over the last few weeks shows that while people may have been informed, I'm not sure anyone did anything about it.

Were emergency response plans pulled from the shelves, dusted off, reviewed and updated? Was training provided to community employees on their roles and responsibilities? Were municipalities contacted and their duties clearly explained to them? From what I've read on social media and heard from those contacting me, I think the answer to all my questions is "no".

It's my understanding that the plan was to bring everyone to Yellowknife and put them up in hotels, however the outbreak made that impossible. So I have to ask what was Plan B? We always knew there was a possibility of an imminent outbreak in the NWT it's this Cabinet's excuse for everything so why did this not come up when plans were made for evacuation.

To me, the easiest solution, even more so than bringing people to the capital in the first place, was to have brought in one of the multitude of camp facilities that many northern businesses could have provided.

As water levels rose to historic highs and the Mackenzie River broke, regular Members watched while community members themselves, clearly impacted by what was happening around them, struggled to organize in order to house and feed each other as temperatures continued to drop below freezing overnight. This disorganization continues today as we moved out of emergency response in this region into the recovery phase. With only one approved assessor, I question how this government is going to be able to help our people in a timely manner.

The Q&A provided by MACA states that residents can apply for the Disaster Assistance Program. This means it will take three to four weeks just to assess the initial scope of damages. Residents will be expected to pay for costs upfront and how long will they wait after for reimbursement? I know that I couldn't afford to pay for major repairs on my home upfront, and I question how many others could either.

Mr. Speaker I have many questions for this government on the relief program as well as the flood response. Where were the Army and the Rangers? How is Cabinet getting money into the hands of victims now  not in six months or a year? What does this mean for our housing plans and stock? Are we thinking of relocating critical infrastructure out of the floodplains? Where are we at with federal relief funding.

While I have a multitude of questions, I won't be holding my breath waiting a clear, concise answer. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Great Slave. Members' statements. Member for Deh Cho.

Member's Statement on Concerns with Health Centres

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I believe I brought up health centre concerns numerous times in emails, in Assembly meetings, and on the floor of the House. Mind you, these were all serious concerns having to do with misdiagnosis of ailments which most times were serious in nature with patients medevaced out to Yellowknife or Edmonton, many concerns with misdiagnosis of ailments and patients receiving wrong medications or placebos to tide them over, many instances of unprofessional conduct and concerns with confidentiality and patient records. Not many people would know of these issues at health centres unless you are a patient or have relatives or friends who have been there for whatever medical reason.

Everything looks fine from the outside. But for most people that set foot in the health centre, it could be a traumatizing visit, not only to find out a serious medical condition but to find out there is no compassion. It's like, why are you here? This is unbelievable treatment of our people who have gone through so much racism not only in life but also in our healthcare systems and our communities.

Mr. Speaker, I have found through my personal experience visiting the health centre and hearing so many complaints that health ministers, health department heads, don't want to hear nor do anything to assist the communities in addressing their concerns and complaints. I have brought forward many times the need to do annual evaluations of health centres which would include evaluations of staff, evaluations of diagnostics and medications administered, the availability of programs and services, especially for diabetics.

Mr. Speaker, the Premier is in charge of running her ship. So I will have questions for the Premier at the appropriate time. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Deh Cho. Members' statements. Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes.

Member's Statement on Impacts of COVID-19 and Emerging Wisely

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in light of the news of the soontobereleased updated NWT's Emerging Wisely plan, I am hoping to see clear measures that we need to meet to reopen. For example, vaccination rates to be reached with an actual number to move into the next phase by a certain date, kind of like Alberta and BC just released. This may assist in those who are all for getting the vaccine but just have not made it a priority or some are feeling it's no rush as nothing much will change as nothing much has changed in the past 12 months. I would like a plan for residents to travel between each territory even with a vaccination verification which residents can carry their own record of proof.

As well, we've all mentioned that it's been a tough 14 months and there has been an increase of mental health issues and the need of increased support for those who may have never needed it before. There's also been an increase of alcohol use and I have recently seen an uptake in a report Canada's uptake in marijuana. Is it because it's legal and people are just getting more comfortable with it or is it because it's just a way to cope? Like I said, it's been a long 14 months, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, we all know that during a public health emergency, as we heard it in this House before, that the Chief Public Health Officer is handed over the power. But, Mr. Speaker, it's up to the Minister as per the act to extend that power. As per the act, the Minister, on recommendation of the Chief Public Health Officer, may, by order, extend a declaration of a state of public health emergency of a period not exceeding 14 days if the Minister is satisfied that (a) a public health emergency continues to exist, (b) the extension is required to protect the public health.

Mr. Speaker, what information is the CPHO providing the Minister to continue to extend this public health emergency so that we in the Northwest Territories can also be aware of all the risks that still remain? I would like to be able to know so I, too, can understand, and I'm sure that the rest of the residents of the Northwest Territories, after 14 months, would like to know in plain language. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. Members' statements. Member for Nahendeh.

Member's Statement on Fort Simpson Flood Response  

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On Saturday May 8th, as I was sitting in my living room, we heard the siren that we did not want to hear. It was the siren to advise residents it was time to evacuate the island as the water level had reached the 15meter mark. At this point in time, the community called a local state of emergency and kicked in the plan. As residents started leaving the island, the fire department and volunteers started going door to door to see who was going to leave and who was going to stay.

Mr. Speaker, we saw more than 400 residents pack up their necessities and move to the mainland. We were fortunate that the residents of the longterm care facility and home care were moved off the island earlier. The longterm care residents and four staff were evacuated to Norman Wells and home care residents were moved to a B&B on the mainland before the siren went. Some of the evacuees were flown to Fort Smith, almost 700 kilometers away, because alternative places in Hay River and Yellowknife were not available. These evacuees ended up staying at the town recreation centre and later moved to the college housing. The Town of Fort Smith was outstanding and did a great job hosting all the evacuees. I would like to thank them for opening their homes and being amazing hosts. A week later, we moved people to evacuate other people to Hay River and they got the same treatment. Others ended up staying at Tent City that the village set up, others camped at friends' and family's yards or stayed within their own homes. It was amazing to see how the community pulled together and helped each other.

On Sunday, the mayor and the EMO team had the EOC set up at the town garage. This is where the food, water, donations, and supplies were available for the people that remained. On Monday, the first load of donated food, water and supplies arrived. I witnessed volunteers and staff work to get these things organized and ready for residents. I have attached a list of volunteers, staff, and businesses to this statement which I would like to deem as read. I realize I may have missed some people and business and for that I apologize. All the help offered was greatly appreciated. Like the old saying goes, many hands make light work.

On Thursday, we felt the water was going down. Unfortunately, like Jean Marie River, it was shortlived as we seen the water raise to levels we had not see on Friday. It was worse than the 1963 flood. We saw at least 40 percent of the island under water. However, in saying this, the community was able to get through the flood and now we are in the recovery stage and this is where it's going to take some time. Residents have many questions and are looking to us for answers and support during this difficult time.

Mr. Speaker, I would be remise not to say thank you to all the tremendous outpouring of help, assistance, kindness, sacrifice that was shown to us from Northerners and Southerners alike during this difficult time. In a future statement, I am going to try and thank them.

In closing, Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the village leadership, their staff, volunteers, and the regional EMO team on the work they have done. You are all heroes in my book. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Nahendeh. Members' statements. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. I would like to welcome those with us today from the media. It's good to have an audience for once.

Reports of Standing and Special Committees

Committee Report 14-19(2): Report on the Review of the 2019-2020 Annual Report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

Mr. Speaker, your Standing Committee on Government Operations is pleased to provide its report on the review of the 20192020 Annual Report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner and recommends to the House.

The Standing Committee on Government Operations Report on the Review of the 20192020 Annual Report of the Information Privacy Commissioner.

The Standing Committee on Government Operations has reviewed the 20192020 Annual Report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. The committee normally reviews the Commissioner's report and then makes recommendations to the Legislative Assembly. This year's report contained no recommendations on the effectiveness on the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the committee's consideration.

The Committee thanks Mrs. KeenanBengts for her long service as Information and Privacy Commissioner of the Northwest Territories. Mrs. KeenanBengts served in this position from 1997 until 2020 and prepared the 20192020 annual report. The committee welcomes Mr. Andrew Fox, who was appointed on November 23rd, 2020, as the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Committee members look forward to working with Mr. Fox in his new role.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member for Thebacha. Member for Thebacha.

Motion to receive Committee Report 14-19(2) and move into Committee of the Whole, Carried

Mr. Speaker, I move, second by the honourable Member for Deh Cho, that Committee Report 1419(2), Standing Committee on Government Operations Report on the Review of the 20192020 Annual Report of the Information and Privacy Commissioner be received and adopted by this Assembly. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.