Debates of June 2, 2021 (day 78)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lafferty, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O'Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek

Oral Question 753-19(2): Condition of Housing Units in Behchoko

Masi, Mr. Speaker.

[Translation] I'd just like to say, Mr. Speaker, about housing in our  in our home communities, about housing, Minister for Housing, I'd like to  yesterday I was in Behchoko. I sat with some few members, and I asked  or they asked about their condition, their situation that we see. So this is what I'd like to ask the Minister of Housing. The last  and I asked the last sitting about there's a few homes that's been just sitting there empty that has been, you know, it's all boarded up. We see that. And some other homes have been completely gone, taken down, it's don't no longer exist so this is why I'd like to ask the Minister of Housing what they're going to do with it. [Translation ends]

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Northwest Territories Housing Corporation.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Right now, I can confirm that, you know, with the  with the units that are unoccupied in Behchoko, we have  well, so far have got two that are approved for demolition, and we are working with the Tlicho Government. But just on the size of that, as well, too, that for Behchoko, we have six expansion units that are going to be constructed this year and four public housing replacements in Behchoko that will be put on the ground in the coming months. Also, we have seven major maintenance and improvement projects also that will be taking place and replacement of the local housing authority office. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] yesterday when I went to  when I was in Behchoko, I did saw that the way it looks about housing. So when you see houses, some are wood burnt and all boarded up. It's been there, sitting there for the last ten, 15 years, so for a while now that I've been standing here speaking about the housing in Behchoko. When are they going to be able to tear it out and give us a date, a target date, when? Tomorrow? Next week? Or next 10 years, or 15 or so? Give us a date, please. Thank you. [Translation ends]

Sorry, Mr. Speaker, I'm just so into my notes and trying to respond. But I would like go into Behchoko and look at the units that are  that we currently do have boarded up because this is the largest community that we do have in the Northwest Territories. We do have a number of public housing units that are in that community. So we have a lot of work that's being done currently with the Tlicho Government looking at the demolition projects or transfer of some of our units as well, too. So looking at that, I would have to get back to the Member with a specific date on those units that would be identified for demolition. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] So thank you very much about coming into our home community. So, again, Minister, when you do see firsthand this is  this is called you really know that the way it actually is. So thank you very much that you're going to be going into Behchoko about that. So most homes are not good standing right now because right now I have to say we are forever repeating and stating that the homes are boarding up, are sitting there. It's like when we do get the Ministers and the workers or firsthand to see what is going on in our homeland. Thank you very much. You would be able to see it all. [Translation ends].

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And like I had said before, that I would like to work with the Tlicho Government and the Member as well to identify the units that we can possibly have on our list for demolition this year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Final supplementary. Member for Monfwi.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Translatin] Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So the Minister and also they should be at least maybe three or four from the head office to see because you will know we would be able to work with them. At times, you know when we do speak, it's like we're not going ahead. So this is why when we or the Minister have or the members that are sitting at the head office and see  they see firsthand and this is the way we would be able to get things going and moving and working on it right away. [Translation ends].

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just once again, looking at the burnt, abandoned units that, you know, I'd like to work very closely with the local housing authority, as well too the district offices, and see how we could come to a resolution. But also we're putting units on the ground and I think the other discussion we need to have with the Tlicho Government is with the abandoned units and we need to start addressing that issue and how are we going to be doing that. I will have to speak to the government. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister. Oral questions. Member for Hay River South.