Debates of February 7, 2024 (day 3)
Ministers’ Statements
Minister’s Statement 3-20(1): 2024-2025 Interim Budget

Mr. Speaker, later today I will table the Interim Estimates, Operations Expenditures, 20242025 which presents an interim budget for the Government of the Northwest Territories. This interim budget will provide funding for programs and services over the first quarter of the upcoming fiscal year, giving the 20th Legislative Assembly appropriate time to complete its transition and to set its priorities. Mr. Speaker, it will come as no surprise that flooding, drought, wildfire events, and the global COVID19 pandemic have all negatively impacted the government's financial capacity. Despite these challenges, Mr. Speaker, the GNWT has taken several significant actions to maintain the sustainability of public finances.
We have capped the budget for large capital projects at $260 million to better reflect what the GNWT can deliver in a year. This single action returned the government's mediumterm outlook to a more sustainable path. In 2023, we also updated the GNWT's fiscal responsibility policy to reinforce our commitment to transparency and accountability, requiring that our budgeted consolidated debt be a minimum of $120 million below the federal borrowing limit. In addition to this, the government renewal initiative is building a culture within the public service to maximize efficiency and value for money, aiming to ensure that the GNWT does the right things at the right time in the right way.
Looking ahead, strengthening the Northwest Territories' economy must be top of mind when speaking of our fiscal reality. Maturing diamond mines, lack of economic diversity, and declining private sector investment are the main drivers of the territory's economic challenges. We are also mindful of global events influencing what happens within the territory, including ongoing supply chain challenges and labour market availability. I am pleased to say the Northwest Territories' employment rate remains strong and wages continue to grow. While this provides added resources to workers to deal with inflation, it can also create additional financial pressures for businesses.
Mr. Speaker, the significant challenges I just outlined mean the GNWT will need sufficient fiscal resources to respond to future needs, both anticipated and unforeseen. We will need a fiscal strategy that can address our financial challenges while delivering on the priorities of the 20th Legislative Assembly. A welldeveloped mandate and priorities will provide direction for the government to create not only its fiscal plan for the next budget year but also operational plans for the life of this government.
In preparation for the operating budget I will bring forward in May 2024, we are taking a careful look at the government's ownsource revenues balanced against the implications for the costs of living and doing business and on the economy in general. The GNWT's reliance on federal transfers for almost 80 percent of our total revenues, coupled with a small tax base, leaves little room to grow revenues in the shortterm. We are building on the work of government renewal initiative in order to find ways to get more value from our spending and to be focused on delivering programs and services that align with this Legislative Assembly's priorities.
Mr. Speaker, the upcoming budget conversations leading to the tabling of the 20242025 Main Estimates will be critical in improving the territory's financial position. I am pleased that this Legislative Assembly has chosen to take the time to do this right so that the priorities of the 20th Legislative Assembly can be reflected in financial plans going forward. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister of Finance. Ministers' statements. Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
Minister’s Statement 4-20(1): 2023 Wildfire Season Review and planning for the 2024 Season

Mr. Speaker, the 2023 wildfire season was unlike anything we have ever seen in the Northwest Territories. More than four million hectares of forest burned over a sixmonth period, with fires reported all the way from the Beaufort Delta to the South Slave. Record temperatures, drought, and very high winds resulted in extreme fire behaviour that many of our most experienced firefighters have never experienced. At times, firefighting simply was not possible due to the lifethreatening dangers crews would face.
On a personal note, I have often reflected on my experiences from past fire seasons. The thing that comes to mind every time is the effort, commitment, and sacrifice made not only by the direct firefighters but by all residents of the NWT. Especially for the 2023 season, the effort was truly great.
This was the first time that homes were lost to wildfire within the NWT communities and over 70 percent of the residents were called on to evacuate over the course of the season; in some cases, more than once.
The most significant loss of the 2023 wildfire season was of one of our own, firefighter Adam Yeadon. He passed away working to protect his home community of Fort Liard, and his sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Mr. Speaker, as Minister of Environment and Climate Change, I am proud of the extraordinary work done by our wildfire management team, fire crews, wildfire experts, and other first responders in the face of extraordinary pressure and unpredictable conditions. While every wildfire season offers valuable lessons for adapting how we respond, one as extreme and challenging as 2023 is especially important to learn from.
As part of the Department of Environment and Climate Change's normal business, after-action reviews of individual fires are conducted every year. However, given the scope and severity of the 2023 season, we have engaged an external company to conduct an independent review of last summer's fires. A team of wildfire and program assessment experts will review several aspects of the 2023 season, including wildfire management decisions and operations in the field, as well as environment and climate change's wildfire program structure, budget, and administrative systems. The team will also outline lessons learned that can enhance our approach to wildfire management moving forward.
Mr. Speaker, this independent review will include deep dives into the most challenging fires of the year, including those that impacted K'atlodeeche First Nation, Hay River, Enterprise, Behchoko, and Yellowknife. It will also feed into, and where relevant, help inform an overarching after-action review of the 2023 wildfire emergency response being conducted by the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs.
Mr. Speaker, environment and climate change's independent enhanced review of the 2023 wildfire season has been underway since November, and the work is being done with urgency. The team is reviewing all relevant information and interviewing staff, contractors, and other individuals and organizations involved in the response. With the next wildfire season only a few months away, there are many improvements already being implemented in advance of receiving the final review. Once we have the review in hand, it will be a top priority of environment and climate change to apply additional lessons learned to future responses. The review is scheduled to be completed by the end of March, and the resulting report will be publicly released this spring prior to the wildfire season.
Mr. Speaker, based on early indications, the current drought is expected to persist into the spring of 2024. We need to be prepared, and I would like to assure the public that we are working with all of our partners to make sure that we are ready for the upcoming season. Additional fire crews and aircraft will be engaged to support our existing efforts, and we will be bringing our resources on earlier than normal.
Relationships with our community partners are essential when it comes to preparing for the season ahead. Environment and climate change wildfire staff are meeting with communities to reflect on the last season, assist with updating their community wildfire protection plans, and discuss local planning for the upcoming season. To help communities implement wildfire prevention and mitigation measures, we will be working closely with the NWT Association of Communities. This work is possible in large part thanks to $20 million in federal disaster mitigation and adaptation funding, and I want to thank the Government of Canada for this incredible contribution to public safety.
Mr. Speaker, the summer of 2023 was very challenging for residents in many communities across the NWT, but it also brought us all together. I am confident that we can build on the spirit of collaboration as we prepare for the next wildfire season. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Ministers' statements. Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs.
Minister’s Statement 5-20(1): Emergency Management Preparation

Mr. Speaker, I want to start by acknowledging that the Government of the Northwest Territories will ensure that a comprehensive and independent after-action review of last year's historic wildfire season is completed and shared publicly. This will be transparent and an open process, and it will involve feedback from community and Indigenous governments as well as emergency management partners. Additionally, public forums will be hosted in impacted communities to hear directly from residents who were evacuated during last year's devastating wildfire season.
This will be the largest after-action review undertaken by this government, and I want residents to know that this is a priority for this government. We already know that it will highlight gaps in last year's emergency response, but it will also inform how we collectively prepare for and manage and recover from emergencies in the future.
Mr. Speaker, this review will also consider the independent reviews being conducted by other organizations, including nongovernment organizations and community and Indigenous governments.
The Government of the Northwest Territories is deeply committed to learning from last year's devastating wildfire season, and I believe this extensive review, which all residents will be invited to participate in, will help guide emergency preparation and management efforts going forward.
I want to stress, however, that our government is not waiting for recommendations from this review to make improvements now. All departments have been working to implement lessons learned from the 2023 wildfire season, including reviewing and updating the NWT Emergency Plan, updating standard operating procedures and coordinating training for GNWT staff. The comprehensive review of our emergency plan will be complete in advance of the 2024 disaster season.
In preparation for another highrisk season, the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is also rolling out its annual Be Ready and Emergency Preparedness Week campaign to promote the importance of personal and family preparedness. With that being said, Mr. Speaker, individuals and families should have household emergency plans, emergency kits, and emergency contact information available. Property owners and businesses should have insurance and plans to protect their property during emergencies. Residents should be familiar with their community emergency plans so that they understand the risk to their community and what to expect during an emergency, and businesses should have contingency plans in place and know how to activate them.
As the lead for emergency management, community governments should have local emergency management organizations and community emergency plans that are reviewed and practiced annually. The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs has contacted all community governments to offer assistance with planning activities and has scheduled workshops over the coming months. The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs also provides tailored support, including presentations, meetings, and exercises to practice their community emergency plans.
Mr. Speaker, the NWT communities have faced many challenges over the past few years due to the impacts of wildfires and floods. As a firefighter from Hay River, I was personally involved in some of these events and I know firsthand how devastating they can be. I offer my sympathy and support to all those who have experienced loss and my thanks to all residents for their continued resilience.
Unfortunately, due to climate change we can likely expect more frequent and severe wildfires and floods in the future. While we cannot predict what this year's wildfire and breakup season will look like, we can take steps to prepare ourselves. I know it can be difficult to hear that disasters will happen again. But it is critical that all of us as individuals, businesses, communities, and this government, take action to prepare for and respond to disasters should they occur.
As Northerners, we know all too well that emergency events can be stressful, disruptive, costly, and devastating. We also know that with better preparation, we can mitigate some of the damage, stress, and financial impact. I urge all residents to consider this as the 2024 highrisk season approaches.
In closing, Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend my appreciation to all our emergency responders who continue to keep our communities and our residents safe. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Member from Range Lake.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, that the Honourable Minister of Environment and Climate Change Minister's statement 2023 Wildfire Season Review and Planning for the 2024 Season be referred to Committee of the Whole for consideration. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
The motion is in order. To the motion.
Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Abstain? The motion is carried. The Minister's statement is referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Great Slave, that the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, the Minister's statement Emergency Management Preparedness be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you. The motion is in order. To the motion.
Question has been called. All in favour? Opposed? Abstained? The motion is carried. The Minister's statement is referred to the Committee of the Whole. Thank you.
Members’ Statements

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'm rising today because I want to talk about Northerners living healthier, longer, and retiring in the North.
Mr. Speaker, it is a shifting demographics and makeup like the seasons in nature, people's lives similarly follow their own course. People travel from their spring to their summer to the fall and even to the winter cycle of our days. Each journey is different, and each journey certainly has its own supports and needs. We need supports through independence, care, but always through respect as we go through these stages.
Mr. Speaker, seniors are certainly one of the fastest growing demographics we have in the Northwest Territories. Between 2003 and 2021, that section of our population grew by 250 percent. It went from 6.5 percent of our population up to 15.2% of Northerners, Mr. Speaker.
Seniors are living longer. Some are working because they want to. Many work because they need to, Mr. Speaker. Our economy does need them in the workforce, but the reality is some of them are working because they absolutely are struggling, and they need help. While the median income in the Northwest Territories may appear high in respects to what it is in Canada, it has considerably dropped for seniors over the age of 65.
Now everywhere I travel throughout the North, all I hear about how important are our elders and our seniors, and I couldn't agree more. They are a revered piece of our population that deserves our greatest respect and dignity, Mr. Speaker. But to do that, many even question why we don't have a Minister responsible for seniors. It almost seems like a shame they've been forgotten. Often, I hear about how the government and our people extol the great virtues of seniors and why we need them, but where is that Minister?
Mr. Speaker, I also want to point out how do we define and demonstrate our continued respect for this community? Seniors' benefits only go so far. They are also mapped all over the government. It's difficult to follow even for someone like myself who's familiar on how to find these types of things. We could, as a government, create a hallmark piece of legislation and policy that could codify seniors' benefits by calling it a seniors' bill of rights for our elders. Why? Because they matter that much. We put pen to paper, and we demonstrate it through our commitment here every single day. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member for Yellowknife Centre. Members' statements. Member from Frame Lake.
Member’s Statement 33-20(1): Development of the Knowledge Economy

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I am speaking about the knowledge economy and what development of this sector could mean for our territory. First, I want to dispel the idea that growing this sector is only about skill development. That is a key aspect of it. But people can obtain skills elsewhere so we need to be thinking about what we can offer to the world, what would extract and keep people here to study, and help us build institutions communities can build their economies around.
It has been suggested that the university project is simply about centralizing things in Yellowknife. To the contrary. Doing so would fail to capture the value this territory has to offer on the global stage. Each region of the NWT has unique things to offer, and I truly believe that growth of this sector will benefit many communities if done right.
Inuvik is the epicentre of climate change and permafrost research and could grow to be an international polar research hub. Fort Smith has excellent infrastructure for existing programs and the onland skills taught in the environment and natural resources technology program are unmatched. With an academic renewal, I think that program could attract many more students. Hay River could be home to a high latitude agricultural program. Yellowknife is the seat of governance. And the NWT is one of the few places in the world where Indigenous governments are achieving selfgovernment agreements. Imagine a governance program which has students not only coming to Yellowknife and the Akaitcho region but also doing residencies and training in the Sahtu, Tlicho, Deh Cho, and Inuvialuit regions where selfgovernment is being implemented and negotiated. We have so much value to offer and capture if we can come together and build an expansive vision and have the courage to invest in bringing this vision to fruition.
So when I think about where we could be in 50 years, Mr. Speaker, part of that vision for me is having a fully developed and thriving economy built around the people of this territory and the unique perspectives we can offer the world. In my opinion, it is our greatest untapped resource. Thank you.
Thank you, Member from Frame Lake. Members' statements. Member from Inuvik Boot Lake.
Member’s Statement 34-20(1): Supports for Northwest Territories Children

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in April of 2023, the NWT Early Childhood Association held an event called waiting. They invited families from across the NWT who are waiting for spaces to participate. They heard from a variety of families that were either leaving the territory, going on income support, or not able to go back to work due to lack of spaces. This did not take into consideration the families that are choosing not to move to the Northwest Territories and the negative economic impact on the NWT that comes with our inability to attract professionals such as doctors, nurses, teachers, and many more.
Mr. Speaker, the bilateral agreement signed with the Employment and Social Development Canada has had a negative effect on daycare in the Northwest Territories. The subsidy provided will not be enough to offset the cap on what the daycares are able to charge for spaces. The shortfall will either have to come from additional funding from Canada or be additionally subsidized by the GNWT.
Mr. Speaker, daycares are facing funding shortfalls due to issues like employee wage freezes, limits and/or freezes on daycare fee increases, and many daycares are considering closing entirely due to the uncertainty and accumulating more debt.
Mr. Speaker, operating costs such as utilities, food, and increased inflation are outpacing subsidy funds provided by the $10-a-day child care program. Further context to this issue can be ascertained by looking at the other jurisdictions. Multiple other provinces are also dealing with issues like we are. Both Ontario and Alberta governments are pushing the federal government to commit more federal money for the successful rollout of this child care program.
Mr. Speaker, wait lists for child care spaces are getting longer each year while demand for child care is only expected to increase as this $10-a-day program rolls out. Some daycares across the country are pulling out of the program altogether.
Mr. Speaker, we must ensure that daycares are able to survive. We must support the workers who go to work each day, so others are able to go to work each day. This affects the entire territory, Mr. Speaker. If we are unable to provide adequate daycare, it will have a major impact on our current workforce and our ability to attract professional people to our territory. They need clear programs, specific numbers on the new funding so appropriate decisions can be made well before the beginning of each new fiscal year. They need a clearer communication process with our government, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, the bottom line, the GNWT must provide a guarantee that it will provide the necessary funds to allow child care operators like the Children's First Society in Inuvik to continue, otherwise it essentially...
Member from Inuvik Boot Lake, your time is up.

Sorry, I would ask for unanimous consent.
Unanimous consent granted

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My apologies. I'm just about done.
Now, finally, Mr. Speaker, if child care centres are no longer able to operate and we face even more limited spaces or closures, make no mistake it will affect us all. Thank you.
Thank you, Member from Inuvik Boot Lake. Members' statements. Member from the Sahtu.
Member’s Statement 35-20(1): Economic and Environmental Issues and Opportunities for the Northwest Territories

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This term challenge, part number 2.
Mr. Speaker, on the issue of progress, our measurables is based on achievable priorities. Mr. Speaker, a collaborative approach with the multi NWT groups is tailoring resolutions through partnerships. Mr. Speaker, critical to projects large or small is the element of funding security. The Government of the Northwest Territories' previous assemblies has secured combined federal and territorial project resources. The bilateral agreements remain in place today. From this, we can implement a disposable economy.
The NWT, Mr. Speaker, is home to an active mineral industry. In our transitional efforts to a low carbon economy, the federal government is leading the charge. Through this initiative a climate change development strategy has been completed.
Change is coming, Mr. Speaker. No longer automakers will be manufacturing fuelpowered vehicles by 2035. Critical minerals is a major component needed for emissions reductions. The NWT has a potential in becoming a major supplier to this emerging industry.
Mr. Speaker, yes, we recognize the mine closure. A huge concern to industry, residents, Northerners, and vendors alike. This issue, with new exploration, renewed devolution discussions, is required for investment, land access, certainty, and regulatory upgrades.
Mr. Speaker, education is a pillar of healthy communities and career security. The Government of the Northwest Territories has adopted a partnership with the Government of British Columbia in delivering a new curriculum. Our joint management systems, regional and local education authorities, need the awareness and delivery supports.
On the issue of housing, Mr. Speaker, the NWT has seen a significant influx of federal resources. Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement. Mahsi.
Unanimous consent granted
Thank you, colleagues. A significant influx of federal resources to bridge the gap minimize the NWT housing crisis. I ask myself if this partnership is producing results, let's endorse the partnership.
Mr. Speaker, our caribou herds are in decline, a main diet to many Northerners. Continued bilateral Indigenous government agreements and consultation are essential. This new
Member from the Sahtu, your time is up to conclude your statement. Members' statements. Member from Range Lake.
Member’s Statement 36-20(1): Foreign Security Concerns

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as my friend from the Sahtu has said, critical minerals are the future of the minerals industry, not just in Northwest Territories but in the entire world. And in that mix, rare earth minerals are vital to the modern digital economy because they're such a necessity for high technology devices, the demand of which increases exponentially every year. Rare earth minerals are particularly key to the transition to renewable energy and decarbonizing our economy. The industry is centered in the AsiaPacific region because the People's Republic of China accounts for 70 percent of the world's supply. China also has access to South American minerals because of complex trade deals with Latin American countries and the fact that they're built around initiative gives them access to South American rare earth markets.
Mr. Speaker, that's why Nechalacho Mine here in the Northwest Territories had so much promise to deliver a supply chain outside of China's control over the market.
Mr. Speaker, Vital Minerals is a company based in Australia that is also developing a rare earth mine project in Tanzania in addition to the Nechalacho Mine here in the Northwest Territories. The project was commenced in 2021, and Vital hoped to mine 25,000 tonnes of concentrate per year by 2025. Unfortunately, changes to the market caused issues with financing this project and shortly after June 2022, there were concerns with the company and they closed their processing plant in Saskatoon in 2023. So here, the situation we have today before us, is a large investment from a Chinese statecontrolled company called Shanghai Resources has bought a near 10 percent stake in Vital Metals with a promise to bring that total up to 18 percent. And, Mr. Speaker, this kind of foreign investment is of grave concern to Canada's national security. It also is of grave concern to the future viability of rare earth mining and the rare earth industry in the Northwest Territories because China has used rare earths and critical minerals as part of their national strategy to maintain dominance over that market. And if things continue, we won't have a Nechalacho Mine in the Northwest Territories. It will be shut down, and we'll be forced to participate in that supply chain which is just not working for ourselves or our allies or for our efforts to decarbonize our economy. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Range Lake. Members' statements. Member from Great Slave.
Member’s Statement 37-20(1): Gaza

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to offer folks a content warning of this statement which will contain graphic description of a hurt child. These kinds of firsthand accounts break the hearts of members of our NWT community every day. This is an account of a pediatrician in Gaza.
In the first few hours of my work, I treated an approximately oneyearold boy. His right arm and right leg had been blown off by a bomb and flesh was still hanging off the foot. He had a blood-stained diaper, which remained, but there was no leg below. I treated the baby while he lay on the ground. There were no stretchers available because all the beds had already been taken considering that many people were also trying to use the hospital as a shelter or safe place for their families. Next to him, there was a man who was on his last breaths. He had been actively dying for the last 24 hours and flies were already on him. All the while, a woman was brought in and declared dead on arrival.
This oneyearold had blood pouring into his chest cavity. He needed a chest tube so he wouldn't asphyxiate on his own blood, but there were neither chest tubes nor blood pressure cuffs available in pediatric sizes. No morphine had been given in the chaos, and it wasn't available.
This patient in America would have immediately gone to the OR but instead the orthopedic surgeon bandaged the stumps and said he couldn't take him to the operating theater because there were more pressing emergencies. And I tried to imagine what was more pressing than a oneyearold with no hand and no legs who was choking on his own blood. That to me was symbolic of the impossible choices inflicted on doctors in Gaza and how truly cataclysmic this situation is.
Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Premier at the appropriate time.
Thank you, Member from Great Slave. Members' statements. Member from Monfwi.
Member’s Statement 38-20(1): Elders’ Housing

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Mr. Speaker, I'm going to be questioning regarding the elders' housing. Mr. Speaker, population [Translation ends].
We also know that the majority of older seniors, those seniors who are no longer working age, are mostly Indigenous. We also know, Mr. Speaker, as seniors age so does the number of households that require major renovations. Mr. Speaker, many of our Indigenous elders are living in homes with disrepair or beyond repair.
Mr. Speaker, what are we doing to help our retired elders, those who have made the NWT their home their entire life? How can we help them with repair to repair their homes with ease?
I am hearing from constituents in my riding, Mr. Speaker, that elders on retired fixed incomes are being asked to upfront $1,000 to be eligible for various housing repair programs.
Mr. Speaker, we know that the cost of living has gone up. I am concerned about the income threshold for these programs. How has NWT Housing considered the increased cost of living when deciding income threshold? Not only that, we know government application process is a barrier for elders whose first language is not English.
Mr. Speaker, our elders need housing liaison workers. They need people to come to their home, speak their language, and assist them to obtain support from Housing NWT. We have elders trying to live at the same time some of them are caring for their grandchildren without running water in their homes. Mr. Speaker, our elders deserve more respect. Housing NWT can provide better support services for our elders to age in place. I will have questions for the Minister of housing. Thank you.
Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Members' statements. Member from Tu NedheWiilideh.
Member’s Statement 39-20(1): State of the Northwest Territories Economy

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Over recent years, many have stood up in the House to warn that our territorial financial outlook was worsening yet the government of the day just keep kicking the problem down the road so that hard choices will fall onto someone else's shoulders. Now it sounds like we can't ignore our finances any longer.
I understand that there's talk about cuts coming on the horizon. Like every northern family, the government must come to terms with reality and live within its means. My people understand that our territory can't keep spending more than we take in every year, but the communities in my riding of Tu NedheWiilideh are concerned by this talk. They receive less than 5 percent of the $2.2 billion from the finance Minister's table and worry that now that there will be less investment in our riding.
Across my riding, there are critical problems with housing, homeownership repairs, infrastructure, and across access to services. My people can't afford to lose out on support they have waited desperately for. To my constituents, it seems like the government just keeps growing. They still see a fair relationship with the GNWT and fewer coming budgets that work for their needs and will be imposed on to them, just like the old days of the colonial system in the past.
The Premier says he wants to make another shot at renewing the relationship between First Nations and the GNWT. That makes me hopeful. I believe the path to fiscal responsibility offers this new government an opportunity to put words into action. They can choose to balance a future approach to fiscal restraint by ensuring services to Indigenous people and nations is protected and progress is made on the vital priorities of the smaller communities.
The people of Tu NedheWiilideh shares my optimism in this new government and have not lost hope in the future of the GNWT that works through cooperation and consultation. When this happens, we can find the solution together and build a prosperous economy that will see our territory thrive. I look forward to asking the Minister of Finance questions on this topic. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Tu NedheWiilideh. Members' statements. Member from Mackenzie Delta.
Member’s Statement 40-20(1): Rent Scale
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. During my recent constituency meetings within my riding, the concern of rent scales has come to my attention by many of the attendees. They are frustrated because it does not work for everyone living in the public housing units.
Mr. Speaker, there are many factors that are related to the cause of this failure in the way that the rent is calculated. The current rent scale is calculated based on the previous year's income. Once your income tax is submitted, the local housing authorities calculate your rent for the whole year. We are experiencing high unemployment rate as with other regions, and most of the residents of my riding are employed seasonally. Some of these people do not even qualify for employment insurance yet their rent is based on the previous year's income.
Mr. Speaker, the current rent scale is landing many of the tenants with huge arrears with the housing authority. The residents are willing to work but due to the lack of employment, these individuals are still required to pay the set amount that was based on the previous year. The residents also require homeownership options for the families who have permanent employment but are paying high rent each month. There's a lady in Tsiigehtchic who informed me that she has been employed for three and a half years and pays $1,450 per month in rent. In the three years of paying rent, the total amount is in the excess of $77,000 for this one person. Meanwhile, there are other tenants who pay $70 a month, and these individuals have paid around $3,000 in the same timeframe.
Mr. Speaker, we as a government must be reasonable and try to make the living arrangements more equal for all the tenants of the Northwest Territories, whether it is restructuring the rent scale or reintroducing homeownership options for the select few who are taking it upon themselves to work for the betterment of themselves and their families. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Member from Mackenzie Delta. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife North.