Debates of February 7, 2024 (day 3)


Member’s Statement 35-20(1): Economic and Environmental Issues and Opportunities for the Northwest Territories

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This term challenge, part number 2.

Mr. Speaker, on the issue of progress, our measurables is based on achievable priorities. Mr. Speaker, a collaborative approach with the multi NWT groups is tailoring resolutions through partnerships. Mr. Speaker, critical to projects large or small is the element of funding security. The Government of the Northwest Territories' previous assemblies has secured combined federal and territorial project resources. The bilateral agreements remain in place today. From this, we can implement a disposable economy.

The NWT, Mr. Speaker, is home to an active mineral industry. In our transitional efforts to a low carbon economy, the federal government is leading the charge. Through this initiative a climate change development strategy has been completed.

Change is coming, Mr. Speaker. No longer automakers will be manufacturing fuelpowered vehicles by 2035. Critical minerals is a major component needed for emissions reductions. The NWT has a potential in becoming a major supplier to this emerging industry.

Mr. Speaker, yes, we recognize the mine closure. A huge concern to industry, residents, Northerners, and vendors alike. This issue, with new exploration, renewed devolution discussions, is required for investment, land access, certainty, and regulatory upgrades.

Mr. Speaker, education is a pillar of healthy communities and career security. The Government of the Northwest Territories has adopted a partnership with the Government of British Columbia in delivering a new curriculum. Our joint management systems, regional and local education authorities, need the awareness and delivery supports.

On the issue of housing, Mr. Speaker, the NWT has seen a significant influx of federal resources. Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement. Mahsi.

Unanimous consent granted

Thank you, colleagues. A significant influx of federal resources to bridge the gap minimize the NWT housing crisis. I ask myself if this partnership is producing results, let's endorse the partnership.

Mr. Speaker, our caribou herds are in decline, a main diet to many Northerners. Continued bilateral Indigenous government agreements and consultation are essential. This new

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Member from the Sahtu, your time is up to conclude your statement. Members' statements. Member from Range Lake.