Debates of February 20, 2024 (day 6)


Member’s Statement 65-20(1): Reductions to Nursing Aid Positions

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, over the past five years, nursing aides have been indispensable members of nursing teams in the NWT, particularly shining during the pandemic as unsung heros alongside nurses. Their expanded roles during the pandemic included providing crucial support and companionship to isolated, critically ill elders, going above and beyond to ensure no one passed away alone by offering comfort and conveying messages of love from family members. Their presence not only facilitated medical care but also preserved the dignity of patients in their final moments.

Beyond the pandemic, nursing aides have played vital roles in various hospital operations, including during last summer's evacuations when they assisted with evacuating patients and with their safe repatriation from across western Canada when we were allowed to return.

Nursing aides help provide safe and ethical care amid constant gridlocks within the hospital system, alleviate a significant portion of the workload on an already exhausted nursing workforce, and contribute to reducing patient admission times. Their assistance with feeding, mobilization, and personal care directly prevents pressure injuries and hospital acquired infections thereby keeping hospitalacquired complications and extended admissions at a minimum. Furthermore, nursing aides play a crucial role in mitigating workplace violence in creating a safer environment for all health care staff. Despite facing challenges, they have shown unwavering commitment to upholding patient care standards.

The news confirmed last week that the end of COVIDrelated federal funding could lead to staff cuts at Stanton by the end of March, including these crucial nursing aide positions. Nursing aides play an important role in the quality of care offered to Northerners, Mr. Speaker. Reenforcing these positions is crucial to maintaining and improving a high standard of care. Eliminating these positions could not only deteriorate care standards but also demoralize our health care workers who, in the face of growing pressures, continue to selflessly serve Northerners. When we are actively working to recruit and notably retain nurses, Mr. Speaker, I am of the opinion that taking steps which could negatively impact their working environment does not align with our priorities. I will have questions for the Minister at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Frame Lake. Members' statements. Member from the Sahtu.