Debates of February 20, 2024 (day 6)


Member’s Statement 74-20(1): NWT Parks and Recreation Association On-the-Land Award Winners

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today I am honoured to recognize the NWT Recreation and Parks Association On-the-Land Award winners Ashley Okrainec, Megan Okrainec, and Rosa Wright from Fort Simpson.

During the spring of 2023, the community of Liidlii Kue faced multiple stressors and issues that were leading to some divide. These three ladies, mother and two daughters, stepped up to address the need for community healing by organizing a community moose hide camp at the Fort Simpson Territorial Campground for three days and welcomed all community members to participate. They set up meals, had hides ready for scrapping and tanning, and taught people how to work on hides. As well, there were sewing tents and activities for children set up. They were encouraging people to come and visit, have tea, and eat traditional food together. It was an amazing experience.

Megan and Ashley both bring their love for the land and for traditional practices and food to their work and their mother Rosa is always open to sharing her knowledge of moose hide tanning with the community. At a difficult time, these ladies showed us all how to come together in a good, positive way, and they are all leaders in their own ways. I can tell you these amazing women have a huge impact on the community because they walk the talk. They take youth out on the land and use landbased practices in their work. These three women are leaders on the land learning in the community because they lead by example and share their skills and knowledge with others. They welcome people to participate, whether in teaching people to fish for their families, in cooking programs or moose hide tanning camps.

Colleagues, these Gwich'in women are doing the everyday work of infusing culture into daily practice to revitalize culture and deserve to be recognized for their quiet leadership and this award. I would like to thank NWTRPA and the nominator for recognizing these three amazing ladies and the community who will be giving them their award during this year's Beavertail Jamboree. Thank you.