Debates of February 21, 2024 (day 7)
Member’s Statement 79-20(1): Social Passing and Education
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it's very difficult to sit back as an elected official and watch as our young people are being neglected. This is exactly what is happening with our education system, especially in our smaller communities. The larger regional centres and Yellowknife seem to be benefitting more in this area.
Mr. Speaker, two weeks ago I did my Member's statement on the income support program. In my statement, I referred to the recipients who are young adults who are being let down by the education system. The young eager students are being socially promoted to graduating with no academic skills to go on to postsecondary schools because they do not qualify. Then these students are at the doors of the income support office only to be stuck there.
Mr. Speaker, there are other alternative measures that the department can explore instead of placing our young people in a failing environment. Back in the 1980s, the department used a different approach to deal with students who were not academically ready to pursue postsecondary institutions.
Students were given the opportunity to participate in the trades component within the high school curriculum. And these are success stories that I have witnessed. We have former students who are now journeymen in their chosen trade and owners of their own companies.
Mr. Speaker, we have to start investing in our greatest resource, and that resource is our youth. It's time for the education department to focus on getting our students ready for the real world and implementing these similar programs within our high school curriculum. These students need career paths where they can have a secure future for themselves and their families. We do not want them to be knocking at the doors of the income support office and not coming out. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will have questions for the Minister at the appropriate time.
Thank you, Member from Mackenzie Delta. Members' statements. Member from Tu NedheWiilideh.