Debates of February 21, 2024 (day 7)


Question 63-20(1): Housing Northwest Territories Policies on Mortgage and Rental Arrears Recovery

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this is a question for the Minister of Housing. Can the Minister explain the process that the department follows when a mortgage client has fallen into arrears on their payment? Is the collection process different for people with a mortgage or people renting units? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Minister for Housing NWT.

Mr. Speaker, the process for collecting on a mortgage and rental arrears with Housing NWT is not different. It's the same institution, Housing NWT, same corporation. So the process is not different, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What supports are in place to assist elders as they deal with Housing NWT?

There's many supports in place, Mr. Speaker. We have tenant relations officers. We have district office. We have the local housing associations. And we also have government services officers in the communities. So we have many supports in place, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know this is long overdue, and I want to ask the Minister, will the Minister do the right thing and commit to doing a mortgage write off of its clients? It's been there since for over 20 years. Some of those are from early 1990s. So I just wanted to ask the Minister if she will do the right thing and do a mortgage write off because those are the people the people that we're talking about are 65 and over now. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my heart of hearts, I wish I could write everybody off, but I can't. We're a housing corporation and we use this revenue to provide more housing throughout the Northwest Territories. But we look at individual cases every year. Housing NWT does look at individual cases, and we follow the Financial Administration Act. And if there is cases that the Member would like us to look at, we can look at those. We can review things but, again, we have to follow the law and our regulations. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister of Housing NWT. Member from Monfwi. Final supplementary.

Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, if a client is referred to collection, a law firm represents Housing NWT. Housing NWT has a law firm to represent them, but the clients have no extra support to represent their interests. Can the Minister commit to a liaison person who can support Housing NWT clients in the collections process? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A very serious process and ensuring that clients have the proper legal support, that's something I can look into and then follow up with the Member on to make sure that the information is correct and proper. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister of Housing NWT. Oral questions. Member from Range Lake.